Read Part 1 of Bolívar Sánchez’s Interview
What is the most enjoyable thing about your role?
Working out at sea and creating storms!
Creating storms on a set is all about the build-up. We have wave machines, dump tanks, which are huge towers with slides that pour water into the set, and rain and wind machines. I am in charge of safety during the effects and running the tempo.
We start with one effect at a time so the talents can get used to it and can perform better. During this moment I am working directly with direction and other special effects personnel to make sure everything is working perfectly.
What is the worst thing about your role?
Night shoots… NIGHT SHOOTS!
Night shoots are cold and long. Time just seems to move slower. Up until we start losing darkness and we have to move really fast when we are tired at the end of the day. But we have a secret project that will take care of that. 😉

What are you currently working on (or before COVID-19)?
I was prepping a film that had all the things I love about this job: boats, stunts, and underwater work. We had to drop everything the day we were supposed to start shooting.
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What are some of the highlights of your career?
There are many, and it is mostly about the people you get to meet. There are incredible professionals from different departments, and from all over the globe. On another note, I’ve been involved in water activities my whole life, so this is my playground.
How much can a diving coordinator make? Is it a competitive industry to get into?
You can make a very good living doing this job. It is a competitive industry but filled with people that like to help each other. At least that’s my experience.
What’s next for you in your career? And where do you see yourself in the future?
Whatever may come, it has to be close to the ocean, that’s for sure.
Watch Bolívar’s latest work on the sequel to 47 Meters Down, in this trailer for 47 Meters Down: Uncaged, and check him out on Instagram to follow his journey.