How Does Ocean Pollution Affect the Environment?

The health of the ocean is one of the biggest concerns we have regarding our future. Worldwide, our pollution has been making its way out to sea for years and has left its mark on marine life and coral reefs. Put simply, our whole environment is affected by ocean pollution.

The ocean is what we rely on to regulate the climate; it contains over 97% of the world’s water and supplies us with more than 50% of our oxygen. It plays an essential role in our very existence, so we must seek to further understand the immediate and long-term consequences of pollution. 

How does ocean pollution affect the environment? This article will look at how ocean pollution affects the environment and its impact on both marine life and human health. As a traveller who is primarily based in Southeast Asia, I have seen the drastic changes that single-use plastic has created. Our dependency on plastic and our reliance on it for convenience mean that we are now in crisis. From the city to the beach, one thing is clear, plastic is everywhere!

How Does Pollution End up in the Ocean?

It is estimated that we are polluting the ocean with around 12.7 million tonnes of plastic a year; the damage we are doing to marine life and our ecosystem is becoming irreparable. The harsh reality is that by 2050, experts predict that ocean plastic will outweigh the biomass of all the fish in the sea. 

According to National Geographic, “common types of marine debris include various plastic items like shopping bags and beverage bottles, along with cigarette butts, bottle caps, food wrappers, and fishing gear.” 

Two main types of pollution are entering the ocean; plastic and chemical. Ocean pollution is highly concerning for health, environmental, and economic reasons. 

So just how does the pollution make its way into the ocean?

Litter in the Ocean

Quick Facts: 

  • Around 8 million pieces of plastic make their way into our oceans every day.
  • 88% of the sea’s surface is polluted by plastic waste.
  • Globally we use over 500 billion plastic bags a year. 
  • 381 million tonnes of plastic waste is produced annually.
  • The majority of pollutants come from human activity on land and at sea.

According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, more than 80% of all ocean pollution originates on land. The highest contributor to marine pollution is septic tanks, cars and farms.

Non-Point Source Pollution: This is any source of pollution that occurs due to runoff, such as heavy rain or flooding. The water makes contact with chemicals or toxic waste and then runoff out to sea via local waterways. 

Source Pollution: This is any source of pollution where pollutants are discharged and can include a pipe, ship, factory or smokestack. Source pollution can come from large farms that manage livestock, waste management systems such as sewage treatments and other large factories that handle toxic chemicals. 

Land Pollution & Landfills: The plastic and waste that we throw away can easily be washed into storm drains, rivers and out into the ocean. Carried away by the wind, illegally dumped, burned or thrown directly into the rivers; these are just a few examples.

Microplastics: Plastic never entirely disappears. Microbeads and Microfibres are washed down the drain from the shower, toilet or laundry, and cause harm to marine life. It is best to avoid products with toxic chemicals, plastic microbeads and switch to eco-friendly products that are certified non-toxic or plastic-free. 

The Fishing Industry: Dumped fishing gear, also known as ghost gear, is bad news for marine life. Fishing nets, lines, pots and traps used in commercial fishing are a significant contributor to ocean pollution and the destruction of coral reefs. Marine life is easily tangled in nets and lines, causing injury and death. One study found that as much as 70% (by weight) of macroplastics found floating on the ocean’s surface was related to the fishing industry.

How Does Ocean Pollution Affect the Environment?

Plastic waste is particularly problematic as a pollutant because it is so long-lasting. Did you know that plastic items take hundreds of years to decompose? The trash, no matter what form, poses a severe risk to both animals and humans. Chemical pollution from heavy metals, oils and pesticides are highly toxic. The majority of the waste, over 90%, comes from just 10 river systems.

I have seen first hand how the waste created in the city, which is not properly disposed of, ends up in the local river systems. Trash is often illegally dumped, burned, thrown into the river or canals on purpose or left on the side of the road. In areas that lack sufficient resources and education for safe waste management; it ends up polluting the ocean.

How Does Ocean Pollution Affect Human Health?

Ocean pollution is a clear threat to human health because a large percentage of the global population relies on seafood availability for consumption. Chemicals such as oil, mercury, lead, pesticides, and other heavy metals can contaminate water supplies and our food chain. Research outlines ocean pollution as a combination of metals, plastics, chemicals, petroleum, industrial waste, pharmaceutical chemicals, farm and agricultural runoff, sewage and urban waste. 

How Does Ocean Pollution Affect Marine Life?

Plastic is threatening the lives of millions of marine animals. What we see on the surface or washed up on the shore is just a fraction of a much bigger problem. Microplastics are tiny particles that have slowly broken down over time and are consumed in the marine animal’s food cycle causing health concerns and even death. Ocean pollution affects whales, turtles, dolphins, sharks, fish, sea birds, and are frequently injured from debris and unable to survive. 

  • Marine life is quickly entangled in debris such as fishing nets and plastic. 
  • Fish that consume microplastics are then caught for human consumption. 
  • The plastic debris consumed by marine life such as turtles and whales is life-threatening.
  • Marine organisms and bacteria can disrupt healthy ecosystems and reefs.

What will Happen if we Keep Polluting the Ocean?

The harsh reality is that by 2050, experts predict that ocean plastic will outweigh the biomass of all the fish in the sea. Climate change, sea-level rise and warming temperatures will continue to worsen and reduce the health of the coral reefs and the ocean. Warmer oceans result in coral bleaching and scientists predict that by 2034, the oceans will be severely under stress. A warmer climate means less oxygen; making it impossible for certain marine species to survive. 

The impact of pollution in our oceans:

We can only begin to imagine that vast amount of waste, plastic and debris that has made its way out into the ocean. Excessive marine pollution has helped create over 500 dead zones in the ocean. In this area, there is not enough oxygen supply for the ecosystem and marine life to survive.

How Much Plastic Washes up on Beaches?

Even on the furthest, most remote islands, plastic is washing up on the coastline. Destinations that were once considered untouched tropical paradise are struggling to cope with the garbage that washes up every day on the beach. For monsoonal countries, the rain season and strong currents and the wind bring trash and debris. Research shows that more than 8 million tons of discarded plastic end up in our oceans every year!

How does Plastic Affect Tourism?

Have you ever planned your vacation to tropical paradise only to be disappointed at the trash washing up on the beach? Do you scuba dive? Snorkel? Swim? Surf? No matter how you spend your time, one thing is for certain, plastic is everywhere. Protecting the planet is a global concern and our collective responsibility. Everyone can play an essential role in reducing single-use plastic. 

Why is Ocean Pollution Terrible?

We can now see the negative impact that ocean pollution has on the environment, marine life, and human health. There is no better time to start considering how we can make a change and protect the ocean; start with simple steps like following campaigns, attending a beach clean-up, watching educational documentaries, reconsidering your consumption of seafood and making a daily habit of saying no to single-use plastic. 

Final Thoughts

After learning about ocean pollution, you may be wondering what you can do to help or you might be feeling slightly disconnected from the problem if you are living far from the ocean. The important takeaway is that we can all play a role in making a difference to the planet. How? Reducing single-use plastics both at home and when we travel is a great place to start. There are so many wonderful eco-friendly alternatives that allow us to refuse plastic and be more mindful of our environmental impact. If you are near the ocean, join a local beach clean, or simply go for a walk and collect what you see. You might be surprised how much plastic debris you can find on the sand. 

Scuba Diving for Beginners – Tips for New Open Water Divers

Imagine being on a tropical island, and your best mate asks you to join them in signing up for an Open Water scuba diving course. You say yes, of course, but after you’ve paid a deposit, it slowly dawns on you that you have no idea what you signed up for and what it entails! So, here is our guide on scuba diving for beginners and how to best prepare for your first experiences as a scuba diver!

Scuba Diving for Beginners

Firstly, what exactly is scuba diving, and an Open Water scuba diving course?

Scuba diving involves using a scuba tank or cylinder that you can breathe from underwater. It allows you to explore and observe the marine life for longer periods of time than if you were snorkeling.

Read More: Snorkeling vs. Scuba Diving Differences

The Open Water diving course is the first certification you can get as a recreational scuba diver. It is the first time scuba diving for beginners. Being a certified or licensed diver means that you and another certified diver will have the knowledge and physical skills to go on a dive together, without the need for supervision from a professional diver.

Having an Open Water certification is a step-up from going on a ‘Try Dive.’ A try dive is a scuba dive under close and direct supervision from an instructor who will give you the basics of diving to try it out. This is not a license to dive, which is why if you are interested in the blue open water of the ocean, you should get your open water diving certification!

Read More: Do You Need to be Certified for Scuba Diving?

Let’s Jump In!

Practice Being Comfortable in the Water

It may seem obvious but many people overlook this crucial step. You should definitely have a level of comfort in the water before embarking on a diving course. You don’t have to be the next Olympic swimmer, or even a great swimmer, but you should be able to relax and move around in the water (without touching the ground).

There is a swimming and floating requirement in the course, and while it is not a timed swim, you will need enough comfort and stamina to complete this. You will also feel more secure, and thus, more relaxed on a dive if you enjoy being in the water.

Have a Level of Fitness

Scuba diving allows you to be weightless in the water, which means it is not as stressful on your body compared to running or various high intensity exercises.

However, scuba diving is considered an extreme sport as you will be swimming and kicking with your legs underwater, and possibly carrying your heavy equipment on-land. Scuba diving is accessible for children and there is no maximum age for divers, but you should be relatively fit.

You may also scuba dive if you have a disability. There are many adaptive techniques that can be used with some of the physical requirements of the course.

Be Prepared to Study

The Open Water course consists of book or online study, knowledge reviews, quizzes, and yes, an exam! To be a certified and prepared scuba diver, the course will give you a lot of useful information. From physics to physiology, the course will require you to study, learn, and retain this information.

But, don’t stress! Remember, children from the age of 10 years old can also complete this course. (No pressure!)

Be Open to New Experiences

You don’t need to be an amazing swimmer or a physics whiz to be able to ‘get’ your open water certification. But you should be prepared to learn new things and be open to new experiences during your course.

Breathing underwater is not natural to our bodies, so it is okay to not feel 100% comfortable or skilled straight away. We have seen so many people, during their course, get frustrated, disappointed, or even angry at themselves, for not being able to perfect a skill or ‘get it’ on their first experience.

Take it easy, and remember you will face new and exciting experiences during your course.

Read More: What to Expect when Learning How to Dive

Choose Your Location & Instructor Carefully

There is a big difference between learning to dive in cold temperatures such as in Canada, or learning to dive in the Caribbean Cayman Islands. The location will certainly impact your experiences of diving, and can make or break your enjoyment of the dive.

Scuba diving in warmer temperatures is, generally more enjoyable and comfortable. However, sometimes circumstances will not allow this, so don’t let that put you off from learning to dive. It is very popular for people to do their open water course close to home, wherever that may be, and then use that certification and the learned skills for their next tropical holiday.

The main thing when preparing for your open water diving course is to choose a dive operation and your instructor carefully. Use online resources and social media to read reviews and get a feel of the dive operation.

Things to look for at a dive centre include;

  • Their safety standards
  • Scuba diving equipment and how it is maintained
  • What exactly is included in your Open Water course
  • Recommendations and reviews from previous students
  • What dive agency is being offered, eg. PADI, SSI, NAUI, BSAC, etc.

When you get to your chosen dive centre, feel free to ask to meet your instructor and get a feel for how they are. There are a lot of dive instructors, some amazing, some good, and unfortunately, there can be some dreadful instructors too. Make sure you are comfortable with your instructor, as ultimately, they will be responsible for your safety and your enjoyment during the course.

Get Your Own Mask

This is a point that I would stress to my own open water diving students when I was teaching them scuba diving. It is so important to have your own mask that you are comfortable with wearing.

Aside from the hygiene factor (no one wants to share a mask that’s been snotted or spat into!), having your own mask means that it can mold to your face shape over time. This allows the mask to seal completely to your face, limiting water leaks. Having your own mask also means that you can keep the mask strap adjusted to your comfort; not too tight and not too loose.

Read More: My Tips on How to Stop a New Mask from Fogging Up!

Beuchat Maxlux S Mask

No joke, I have owned 4 of these Beuchat Maxlux masks. My first one was the dark blue, then pink, then ultra blue, and now black.

The mask silicon skirting is soft and molds to your face easily. It’s suitable for small and large faces. It is also frameless and incredibly low-profile (fits close to your face) which means you have amazing panoramic vision.

Have Fun with the Open Water Diving Course!

Most of all, the top tip in scuba diving for beginners is to have fun! Scuba diving is supposed to be an amazing and exciting experience, not scary or filling you with anxiety or dread. If you are not having fun, then don’t feel the need to push yourself into doing the course.

Take your time to be prepared, and this is how you will get the most out of your open water scuba diving course!

What To Do When You Lose Your PADI Diving Card

Lost your PADI diving certification card? You’re not the first person to do it, and you won’t be the last! So, here’s our quick guide on what to do when you lose your PADI diving card!

Diving Certification

A diving certification card is the proof that you have completed that particular training. It is used by instructors and dive centers to verify your diving training around the world.

Read More: How Long Does a Diving Certification Last?

Once you have completed your training and your instructor has processed your details in the PADI system, your card is sent out to your physical address, anywhere around the world. For this reason, you should allow a few weeks after your diving course to receive your PADI diving card. In the meantime, you will get a temporary certificate sent to your email address, allowing you to go out there and dive straight after your cerification.

Your PADI Diving Card

Your PADI diving card is a physical card that lists the following;

  • Student Name:
  • Student Birthdate:
  • Unique Student Certification Number:
  • Certification Date:
  • Certification Level:
  • Your Instructor’s Name:
    Dive Center:

You will receive a new card for each level’s course that you complete, eg. Open Water certification, Advanced Open Water, Rescue, and for each speciality.

Read More: Types of Scuba Diving Certifications & Levels

There are also PADI diving cards for professional courses, eg. Divemaster, Open Water Scuba Instructor (OWSI), Master Scuba Diver Trainer (MSDT), and for each specialty that you can teach.

Your instructor will usually give you the option to choose a standard certification card, limited edition or Project AWARE® card, or to go digital with a PADI eCard.

Lost My PADI Diving Certificate

So, let’s say, you (like countless others before you!) end up losing your diving certificate or card. All you need to do is to order a replacement card online or through your nearest PADI Dive Center or Resort.

Do I Need My PADI Card To Dive?

Technically, you do not need your physical card to scuba dive. Dive centers will need to verify and check that you are a certified diver, but most dive centers can do this online within the PADI system. They will need the following:

  • Your name (including any initials you used in the original certification)
  • Your birthdate

Most dive centers will also accept a copy of your certification email that you should have received after your certification.

Pro Tip: Once certified, you should screen shot your temporary certification card from your email. Keep this screen shot on your phone or in a safe place that you can access.

If the dive center is not a PADI center, and cannot access the PADI database to verify your certification, then you can also email the PADI certifications department online. A reply may take a few days so it is recommended to do this prior to your diving trip.

Is it Illegal to Dive without Certification?

No, it is not illegal to dive without a certification.

Read More: Do You Need to be Certified?

You can certainly try a Discover Scuba Dive, which is a try dive with a professional instructor. You will not be certified to dive, but you will be given the basic skills and the opportunity to go on a scuba dive. You will receive a paper certificate and an email confirmation of your try dive. You can then choose to upgrade to the first level of certification by signing up for your Open Water Diver certification!

What is a Scuba Octopus Regulator in Diving?

It is mandatory to have an AAS (alternate air source) as part of your scuba diving setup. Ideally, scuba divers will never end up using this backup air source, but we do need it primarily as a source of air for our buddy if they run low on gas, or if something malfunctions with your primary air source. So what is a scuba octopus, and why is it important?

Learn More: SCUBA acronyms we use everyday!

What is an Octopus in Scuba Diving?

You may have come across the term ‘octopus’ before; from your instructor, at a dive equipment store, or maybe while reading this blog! A scuba octopus is the common term to describe your secondary air source backup regulator.

The octopus just an extra second stage regulator, very similar to your primary second stage regulator (the one you put in your mouth during a dive!). However, the scuba octopus is usually yellow in color, with a bright yellow hose too. This allows it to stand out underwater in an emergency situation.

AQUALUNG Leg3nd Octopus

Sherwood Scuba SR2 Octopus

Scubapro R195 Octopus

Some people may opt to go for a more basic regulator as their octopus, compared to their primary source. This is because we assume we will not be using the octopus as frequently as our main regulator that we breathe from.

Scuba Octopus Setup

It is very important where you place your scuba octopus, and its setup. In the PADI Open Water course, we learn that the octopus must be highly visible and easy to reach in case of emergency.

The octopus should sit within the triangle shape of your body, from your chin to both hips. It can be anywhere within this triangle, as long as it is highly visible and easy to pull out. You should never secure the octopus in your BCD pocket or wrap it up intricately with straps.

Your buddy (or yourself if needed), should be able to locate the octopus, pull it out, and breathe from it in seconds. This is the main thing with an octopus setup.

How does a Scuba Octopus work?

An octopus is basically the same as your primary regulator. For this reason, an octopus is also known as a secondary regulator. It works by delivering air (or whatever gas is in your tank) on-demand whenever you inhale from it.

You will breathe from the octopus the same as when you breathe from the primary regulator. You will inhale and exhale into the mouthpiece.

What is a Scuba First Stage?

A scuba first stage is the part that connects your scuba diving tank cylinder to your hoses and regulators. It is the first stage of reducing the high pressured air from the tank. You will attach the first stage to the tank using a DIN valve or a Yoke valve.

Read More: Which is Safer? DIN valve vs. Yoke valve.

What is a Scuba Second Stage?

A scuba second stage are your regulators that you breathe from; your primary regulator and your secondary (or octopus) regulator. It is the second stage of reducing the pressure from your hoses to the ambient (or atmosphere) pressure.

1 bar = 14.5 psi = about 1 atmosphere at sea level.

For example; if you are at sea level at 1 bar of pressure, then the second stage will deliver 1 Bar of pressure when you inhale and breathe from it.

If you are at 10 meters or 32 feet underwater, which is now 2 bar of pressure, then the second stage will deliver 2 Bar of pressure when you inhale and breathe from it.

Read More about Pressure: What is Boyle’s Law in Scuba Diving?

The second stage is important in scuba diving as it makes breathing air from the tank cylinder easy and not strained (as if you were sucking through a very long straw).

Scuba Octopus Holder

A octopus holder is very handy for keeping your regulator and hose in the right position on your equipment, or to keep it from dangling onto the corals during your dive. They are inexpensive and there are quite a few different designs.

Skum-Ball Regulator Mouthpiece Cover

I personally use and love this bauble ball holder, and you can either stick the octopus mouthpiece into the bauble, or you can bend your yellow hose and stick it in there.

It is simple in design and long-lasting as there are no plastic bits that can be damaged.

Please note; you may end up looking like a Christmas tree with a brightly colored bauble!

Magnetic Octopus Hose Holder Clip

I’ve used these types of octopus holders a handful of times, and it is pretty cool.

It’s a powerful magnetic that keeps the octo in place. However, there have been reports that the magnet can interfere with your compass if they are too close to one another. In this case, I would have both items on opposite shoulder straps.

Dive Triple Hose Holder with Clip

This is a simple hose holder and you can configure it into the way that you want.

Depending on your hose width, this clip can be quite tight and difficult which means it is slightly harder to pull out.

However, this does mean your hoses are very secure!

Octopus Retainer and Plug with Clip

This octopus retainer secures around the mouthpiece, rather than the hose. It also comes with a plug that blocks the mouthpiece when it is not in use. This stops sand or debris from entering the regulator.

It is slightly harder to release, so do make sure you and your buddy know how to use it before a dive!

Other Alternate Air Sources

Breathable Power Inflators are quite a new thing in the scuba equipment world. Us, divers love the newest and coolest gadgets, but I do find that we tend to stick to what we know best.

In the PADI Open Water videos that you watch during your course, you may have noticed these power inflators that you can breathe from. In real life, I’ve only seen this perhaps once or twice over hundreds of scuba divers. Breathable power inflators have been adopted very slowly and fairly sparsely.

How it works, is that this power inflator comes with a regulator that you can breathe from. This means there is no bright yellow secondary regulator and yellow long hose on your equipment. This keeps it very streamlined.

In the case of emergency, you will switch from your regular primary regulator to this breathable power inflator. You will then give your primary regulator to your buddy to breathe from.

As the primary regulator’s hose is quite short, you will be very close to your buddy as you ascend. There is also the fact that you will have shared a mouthpiece (from your mouth to your buddy’s), so this is a factor you should consider.

Personally, I’m not a big fan of these breathable power inflators. I prefer the old school way of having a long yellow hose that is easy to remove and use in emergencies! It’s also the method and scuba setup that most people have dived with, which means it is more accessible!

No Mask Breathing – Scuba Skills You Need to Know

No mask breathing? Why would we ever do this underwater?

Well, it’s actually a skill that is required in most diving courses, whether you are diving with PADI, SSI, RAID, or any of the other diving agencies. So let’s find out more about diving masks, and the secret to no mask breathing underwater!

Read More: How Long Does it Take to Get Scuba Certified?

Breathing with a Diving Mask

We use a diving mask to allow divers, including scuba divers, free-divers, and snorkelers to go underwater and see things clearly.

New scuba mask fogging? This Beuchat mask usually fogs.
Is your new scuba mask fogging? Follow these tips to defog and clean your mask.

A diving mask differs to ‘goggles’ as the mask will cover both the eyes and the nose. The nose pocket provides the following functions:

  1. To prevent mask squeeze – when you descend underwater and add more pressure, the air inside the mask decrease which will cause a partial vacuum in the air space. This pulls the mask against your face, creating a ‘mask squeeze.’ The nose pocket allows you to add more air when you exhale from the nose, thus reducing the pressure difference between the air in the mask and the surrounding water.
  2. To clear your mask – occasionally, water may seep into your mask. To remove water from your mask, you will need to exhale from your nose, allowing the air to displace the water, and clear the mask.

This is why you will need a diving mask when going for a dive underwater.

Flow Neoprene Cover for Dive and Snorkel Masks

A neoprene cover for your mask strap is very handy to stop hair from getting tangled. Especially if you are removing and replacing the mask on the surface, or underwater!

So, Why Breathe Underwater without a Mask?

The skill of breathing underwater without a mask is a safety skill to ensure you can still breathe through your mouth without panicking. Mastering no mask breathing is very important in case you find yourself needing to breathe without a mask for any of the following reasons.

  • Your buddy accidentally kicks you in the face with their fin, causing your mask to fall off
  • Your diving mask is super foggy and you can’t see anything so you need to remove it underwater and de-fog it
  • Water may seep into your mask during your dive

In usual circumstances, the diving mask will stop water from entering your nose (which isn’t a pleasant thing!). But if you mask floods with water or becomes dislodged, then you will need to breathe only through your mouth. So, what’s the secret to no mask breathing?

No Mask Breathing Technique

The number one rule in scuba diving is to ‘continuously breathe.’ Without a mask, you will need to breathe through your mouth. This means you need to relax and train yourself to not inhale through the nose. The best technique to practice this is the following:

In Shallow Water

  • In water you can stand in, take off your diving mask.
  • Keep the regulator in your mouth.
  • Submerge your head underwater.
  • Breathe in and out through the regulator.
  • You can pinch your nose to begin with if you are struggling with this skill.
  • You can close your eyes to begin with.
  • Overtime you should stop pinching your nose, and open your eyes.
  • Speak to yourself and remind yourself to ‘breathe in, and breathe out,’ through the mouth.
  • Once you are comfortable with no mask breathing in shallow water, you can practice in deeper waters.

Beuchat Maxlux S Mask

No joke, I have owned 4 of these Beuchat Maxlux masks. My first one was the dark blue, then pink, then ultra blue, and now black.

The mask silicon skirting is soft and molds to your face easily. It’s suitable for small and large faces. It is also frameless and incredibly low-profile (fits close to your face) which means you have amazing panoramic vision.

In Deeper Water

  • In water that is too deep to stand in, you should practice this skill often.
  • Submerge yourself in your full scuba diving equipment.
  • Once underwater, relax your breathing and begin to breath in and out through the mouth.
  • Take your mask off over your head and keep a hold of it.
  • Breathe in and out of your mouth. Feel free to talk to yourself and count the breaths going in and out.
  • Once comfortable and confident, replace your diving mask.

Read More: Tips on how to Remove and Replace Your Mask Safely

And there you have it, now that you have mastered no mask breathing, you can rest assured that if your mask becomes flooded or dislodged, then you will be able to breathe comfortably before fixing the problem!