What is a Decompression Dive? How Deco Stops Can Save Your Life

Most scuba divers will have an Open water or maybe an Advanced Open water certification allowing them to dive to depths up to 30 meters. All of these dives are classified as recreational dives, meaning that the diver should not exceed the No-Decompression Limits (otherwise known as NDL or no-stop limits) set by either a dive computer or dive table. So, if that’s a no-decompression dive then what IS a decompression dive?

What is a Decompression Dive?

A decompression dive, put simply, is a dive that is planned with the intent of exceeding the no decompression limit of a dive computer or dive table. These types of dives are usually classified as technical diving, whereas staying within the NDL limits is called recreational diving. Decompression dives will start at a depth of below 40 meters, as the maximum depth of recreational diving is 40 meters.

Read More: How Deep Can You Dive? What Prevents Divers from Diving Deeper than 40 Meters?

What is a Decompression Stop?

Due to the excess amount of nitrogen accumulated during a decompression dive, it is no longer safe to ascend directly to the surface at any point during the dive, as is the case with a recreational dive. To allow the body time to release the excess nitrogen from the body (and prevent decompression sickness) a decompression stop must be completed.

These are just like a safety stop in recreational diving. Decompression stops may need to be completed at various depths and for differing amounts of time depending on length and depth of dive.

Read More: What is Decompression Sickness?

The Difference between Safety Stop and Decompression Stop

  • Safety stop;-  A safety stop, while recommended on dives, is not required to be completed. If there is an emergency situation that requires an ascent directly to the surface during a dive, it is completely safe to do so without a safety stop.  Recreational dives are considered no-stop dives as you do not need to ‘stop’ on your ascent. However, a safety stop is always planned to be executed at the end of a dive at around 5 meters for 3 minutes before surfacing.
  • Decompression stop;-  A decompression stop is performed when a diver has exceeded a NDL. Whereas, a safety stop is usually 3 minutes long, a decompression stop will be longer and mandartory. Depending on the dive, multiple stops may be required and at different depths.

When and Why do you need to do a Decompression Stop?

Padi RDP Table No Decompression Limits
An example of the PADI Recreational Dive Planner in imperial measurements.

We use the Recreational Dive Planner (RDP) or dive computers to calculate the no-decompression limit, and as recreational divers, we adhere to the limits. A decompression stop or ‘deco stop’ must be completed any time a diver exceeds a NDL, whether planned or not.

Due to the amount of nitrogen in the body accumulated on longer deeper dives, a longer stop is needed to allow time for excess nitrogen to leave the body.

How to Calculate Decompression Stops

When planning a dive that involves going into deco, it is very important that decompression stops are calculated, to ensure a safe enjoyable dive.

As mentioned, going into deco usually involves either deep dives, long dives or both. These types of dives fall into the category of technical or tec dives.

Due to a number of variables on these types of dives, such as the type of gas used (nitrox, helium, 100% O2) the length and depth of stop can be very different on each dive. Diving software has been developed to assist in calculating and planning deco stops. This is something that would be explained in great detail once any technical diver training is undertaken.

During a recreational dive we would not need to calculate a deco stop as we would plan to stay within our NDLs. 

However, if a no-decompression limit is accidentally exceeded, then an emergency decompression stop would be required.

Below is a table showing the recommended deco stop times based on the recreational dive planner. These numbers may vary if using a dive computer.

Exceeded NDL byMinimum Decompression StopTime Before Next Dive
Less than 5 Mins8 Mins6 Hours
More than 5 Mins15 Mins24 Hours

How do you Decompress when Diving?

Compression and Decompression is all based upon absorbing and releasing gases (such as nitrogen) with increased or decreased pressure changes caused due to changes in depth. The more depth you go to the quicker you absorb gases, so the method to release these gases is to ascend to a shallower depth.

You can see from the following table that the deeper we are the less NDL we have, This is because the deeper we are the more pressure we are under, and therefore absorb nitrogen quicker. These numbers are taken from the recreational dive planner


To decompress, we need to reduce the amount of pressure that is acting on our bodies. This is done by ascending to a shallower depth on the dive, then staying at this depth until enough nitrogen has been released before making your way to the surface or next depth to complete further deco stops.

Here Comes Some Science, You’ve Been Warned!

Little bit of physiology now.

When we descend and stay at depths underwater, our bodies are in the phase of ‘on-gassing’ and absorbing nitrogen. The extra pressure is forcing nitrogen bubbles into the blood system once we have inhaled them through our lungs.

You can compare this in terms of how fizzy drinks are made; the syrup of the drink is your blood and the carbonated bubbles are nitrogen. These bubbles are then forced into the syrup with pressure where they stay until the pressure is changed by opening the drink.

So what is happening in the body as we decompress (or off-gas) and slowly ascending, can be compared to opening a fizzy drink bottle very slowly. This allows the gas to leave slowly and controlled, and once enough gas has escaped it is then safe to take the lid off fully without spilling the drink.

This is similar to what is happening to our bodies while we decompress. The gases are leaving our system in a safe and controlled manner before we exit the dive. If we decompress too fast or not at all, that can lead to diving injuries.

What Happens if a Diver doesn’t Decompress?

Failing to decompress can lead to what is called DCI, a Decompression Injury.

There are many symptoms that can be displayed if a person is suspected of having DCI. The cause of DCI will be the fact that there is an excess amount of nitrogen still left in the body.

While on the way to the surface, even at a slow ascent speed, the body does not have enough time to release all the excess nitrogen, which may cause bubbles to form in the blood system or other parts of the body. Depending on where the bubbles form can cause different problems. 

Symptoms of DCI

  • Headache
  • Nausea
  • Chest Pain
  • Breathing Problems
  • Unconsciousness
  • Joint Pain
  • Extreme Fatigue
  • Rash on the skin
  • Paralysis
  • Death

With most of these symptoms the cause is too much nitrogen in the blood system or the bubbles are blocking blood flow. Some symptoms, such as joint pain or paralysis mean that the bubbles have formed at a joint or in the spinal cord.

While this all seems very scary, quick recognition, administering emergency oxygen and seeking medical assistance mean that usually these problems are not long lasting. To prevent any of this happening, always follow your dive plan and stay within the limits of that plan. Don’t push your limits as this is usually when accidents happen.

Read More: Why is Decompression Sickness called ‘The Bends?’

What do Divers do during Decompression?

Some decompression stops can take many many hours to complete. Sadly while underwater, we don’t have the luxury of WIFI internet, so binge watching your favourite Netflix show just isn’t an option to pass the time.

Divers have now found many different ways of entertaining themselves on long deco stops, from playing hangman on a slate, having a few rounds of noughts and crosses (tic tac toe) or even playing games on diver computers.

Depending on the dive location, a deco stop can be a really good time to look for all the small macro life on the reef or to spend some time turning your brain off from real world stress and just enjoy the calm relaxing feeling of being underwater.

Some of the more technological advances mean that it is also possible to now have underwater MP3 players, so audiobooks and music are also good ways to pass the time, or even a game of chess on a magnetic board. As you can see there are many different ways to make those long deco stops a little more interesting.

How Deep can you Dive without Decompression?

The recommended maximum depth for recreational diving is 40 meters / 130 feet. Diving to this depth would require training by way of a specialty deep diver course. Staying within this depth range means there are no decompression stops required at any point.

If you do want to dive deeper than this depth, this is where you will be entering technical diving and when making decompression stops will be mandatory.

Training for Decompression Diving

Just as with recreational diving, technical diving has many different agencies to choose from. Padi Tec Rec, SDI, TDI and RAID are just a few. Each of these technical agencies will provide courses for various different depths such as 40m, 50m, 60m.

Part of this training involves carrying more than one tank on a dive, either on a sidemount setup or a twinset. Due to extended decompression stops (some lasting for hours) more gas is needed to allow for the time to complete the stops.

Female tech diver Miranda Bowman with her sidemount configuration
Miranda Bowman with her sidemount configuration. Photo / Adel G. Hallak

Next up for decompression diving would be using Nitrox (enriched air – where the percentage of oxygen is higher than 21%) all the way up to 100% oxygen or even using trimix (a blend of breathing gas consisting of oxygen, helium and nitrogen).

Using these gas mixes reduces nitrogen loads and helps to off gas quicker at deco stops. If you’re interested in learning about decompression diving, consult your local technical diving centre for more information.

My Dive Computer says “DECO” what do I do?

First thing, like in any situation in diving, is to not panic.

The benefit of diving with a dive computer is that it will tell you what you need to do! The computer is saying deco as you have accidentally exceeded the NDL limit and now require a deco stop. Luckily for us, with technology the computer will tell you what depth you need to ascend to, and for how long you need to stop there.

To fully understand your computer and all the information being given to you, it’s important that you always fully read your manual before use.


At the start, we asked what is a decompression dive? Hopefully from reading this article you now have a much better understanding of a deco dive and why deco stops are important. Going beyond a NDL isn’t a problem as long as you have the training, equipment and planning to successfully complete the deco stop on the dive. Being able to undertake decompression dives will open up a whole new world of diving to you and unlock parts of the ocean you were unable to reach before.

Diving in Saipan, Northern Mariana Islands, USA


Today we are diving in Saipan, one of the Mariana Islands and part of the Northern Mariana Islands commonwealth of the United States, in the western Pacific Ocean. Saipan is the largest of the Northern Mariana Islands.


The sea of Saipan is famous for its high visibility usually exceeding 20m/65ft, it can even reach 50m/164ft. Divers can enjoy a tropical climate all year with a warm water temperature at 27°C/80°F to 29°C/84°F depending on the season.

Most dive sites are accessible within minutes away from central and provide great entertainment for beginner to expert.

Saipan is also home to Spotted eagle rays, and on a good day there can be as many as over 40 swimming around. White/Black tip sharks, turtles and barracudas are always around.

There are many wreck dive sites from WWII, ships, air planes and tanks are lying at dive site. Diving in Saipan offers a cool range of diving.

School of spotted eagle rays in Saipan
A school of spotted eagle rays. Photo: Henry Manipon


You can fly into Guam then take a 1 hour flight to get to Saipan.

Once you are on Saipan island, it takes only 10 to 15 minutes by car from your hotel to the port when you go boat diving or shore diving.

There are usually direct flights from Japan, Korea, Hong-Kong, Taiwan and China. Those have been suspended due to COVID pandemic situation.


Saipan has a variety of dive sites and each site has its own charm.

Lau Lau Beach

(Max. 18m/59ft) Lau Lau is the most interesting beach entry site where you can see friendly green sea turtles almost always.


(Max. inside cave 22m/72ft, outside the cave is deeper than recreational depth limit) is a breathtaking cave dive. Glowing blue light from three different holes provides an incredible underwater sight.


(Max. 18m/59ft) beautiful white sandy diving with a lot of garden eels.


(Max. 12m/39ft) Ship and airplane wreck diving sites from WWII.


(Max. 35m/114ft) Popular for beautiful corals. You’ll see hundreds of pyramid butterflyfish and many more kinds of fish.

Ice Cream

(Max. 18m/59ft) Spotted eagle rays cleaning station.


(Max. 15m/49ft) Known as “Coral Garden” with different types of coral.


(max 35m/114ft) One of the best visibility points in Saipan. Beautiful corals and drop off diving.


(max. 25m/82ft) Another cave diving. Very popular dive site because of the sunlight shining through a hole on top of the cavern.


(max. Over recreational fun dive limit) Wall diving with excellent visibility in Tinian. You can dive to the max depth limit for fun diving. The drop off is going down more than 80m/262ft.

Tinian Grotto

(max. ) Small cave where you can see small creatures, crabs, shrimps and shells and so on.

Exploring WWII wrecks around Saipan.
Exploring WWII wrecks around Saipan. Photo: Henry Manipon


Most dive sites in Saipan are boat diving sites, however there are some pretty beach or shore diving sites that you can reach within 20 minutes by a car from your hotel.

Further boat diving sites are Tinian points, where you will ride on the boat for about 45 minutes to 1 hour depending on the boat size. Other boat dive sites are accessible and shorter than 45 minutes especially in reef points. Shipwreck/Emily is only 10 minutes boat ride.

You can choose a large boat with a toilet or small boat for a short ride.


The water is very warm around Saipan at 27°C/80°F to 29°C/84°F, you can dive with only a rash guard or 3mm wetsuit.

You can bring your own gear, or if not your dive shop will provide a rental gear set with 2 or 3mm wetsuit.

Reel hooks and groves are not necessarily. It’ll help you to see more sea creatures if you bring your flashlight.

Cool dive sites around Saipan.
Lots of great dive sites to explore around Saipan. Photo: Henry Manipon


Saipan has various diving sites for beginners to experts. If you are a first time diver we would go to Lau Lau Beach site for your introduction try-dive.

You can enjoy diving with your OW license at Lau Lau Beach, Shipwreck, Emily, Oleai and Ice Cream.

Read More: Differences between Scuba Diver vs Open Water Certification

Other sites, such as Grotto, Obyan, Dimple, Spotlight, Naftan, Fleming and Tinian Grotto require an Advanced OW license due to the deeper depths.


The water temperature is at 27°C/80°F to 29°C/84°F around Saipan. It can drop to 26°C/78°F in February, and even reach 31°C/87°F in May.

The visibility is great, 15m/45ft to 20m/60ft in “bad” conditions and the viz can reach 30m/90ft to 40m/120ft.

The best diving season is April to September with calm sea conditions and strong sunshine which makes visibility better. If you dive in November to February, you will have a better chance to see a school of Spotted eagle Rays who love strong currents. Please be advised by your instructor if you dive in strong currents. Drift diving is not common for diving around Saipan.

Scuba diving with turtles around Saipan.
There are great opportunities to dive with turtles here. Photo: Henry Manipon


The cost of 1 fun dive with a beach entry is around 40 USD. There will be a boat charge on top if you go boat diving. Boat fee range is 35 – 80 USD depending on the dive points and the size of the boat.

Most dive shops offer a package price, where you’ll get more discount if you dive more at the same shop.
If you are without your own gear, your dive shop will provide you a rental gear, full sets rental gear costs about 30 USD per day.


Saipan has a wide range of accommodation from 5 star luxury hotel to small comfort guest house. They have air-conditioning, hot showers and small fridge etc in the room. Prices range from 50 – 200 USD per night.

For long-term stay the basic price for a studio type 1 bedroom apartment is around 350 USD and a 2 bedroom apartment is around 600 USD excluding utilities. There are some cheaper rooms if you are away from the main city.

There are no public buses or trains in Saipan, but you can get a taxi at a cheap price. It will be convenient if you own your car.


What you will feel at scuba diving in Saipan is an excellent relaxation in the clear water with world-class visibility.
Each dive site has a variety of highlights, from seeing friendly sea turtles, exploring magnificent underwater caves, feeling the history at wreck diving, or swimming through a fantastic drop off.

There is so much and more for all skills of divers, from technical to even those who want to try diving for the first time without getting a licence!

Read More: Scuba Diving Tips for Beginners

Another charming point is the tropical conditions and warm water. You can dive with only light equipment and gear.

Amazing conditions and tropical fish diving in Saipan
Amazing conditions and tropical fish. Photo: Henry Manipon


Saipan is a small island with many excellent beaches. If you’re not diving, rent a car and go find your favorite one! It takes only 2 hours to go around the island.

There are many sightseeing spots and historic spots to visit as well. “Grotto” is one of the best sightseeing points in Saipan for snorkelers and divers.

If you have half day free time, try “Managaha Island”. The boat will take you for only a 10 minutes ride from Saipan and you’ll see a pretty white sandy island with palm trees where you can snorkel in the clear water.

Hiking trails are also enjoyable, “Bird Island” and “Forbidden Island” are representable. Please ask a local guide for these hikes as some parts of the hike are very steep.

The restaurants on the west coast offer a breathtaking sunset view with island seafood and cold beers. There are a lot of bars that offer Happy Hours where you can enjoy drinks with discounted prices.

If you are in Saipan on a Saturday then check out the “Saturday Market” with lots of local products, BBQs, seafoods and souvenirs.

There is a lot of fun underwater and on-land in Saipan. You’ll never get bored during your stay!

Scuba Diving in the Guadeloupe Archipelago (French West Indies)


Today we are diving in the Guadeloupe Archipelago (French West Indies). It is an archipelago of several stunning islands and an overseas region of France. It is located in the eastern Caribbean Sea.


Diving in Guadeloupe means you will be able to dive among a rich marine life of both micro and macro animals (turtles, tropical fishes, reef sharks (specific spots), corals, sea slugs, colorful shrimps and a lot more…) everything within a delightful warm water (26°- 29°C). In short, everything that a tropical paradise island provides…

If you want to get certified from one of the best diving federations in the world, the french federation (FFESSM) this is definitely the place to go. Of course, if you are a diver from PADI or SSI system you will be able to dive and to get certified (in specific centers affiliated to SSI and/or PADI).


This location is mainly accessible by plane. There are direct flights from Europe and the US mainly. You will arrive at Pointe-à-Pitre airport which has quite a central position. Then, I would advise you to rent a car if possible (around 10euros/day) but you can also choose to travel by bus, taxi or UBER.

Nudibranch Guadeloupe Archipelago
Macro life is abundant in this archipelago. Photo: Milton Boucard


The majority of the diving spots are located at the western part of the Island which is well protected from both swell and current (Main towns: Malendure, Deshaies, Pointe-Noire, Basse Terre).

Dive Spots around Guadeloupe
Notable dive sites around Guadeloupe. Courtesy of Milton Boucard

There, the reef is wealthy and the biodiversity is rich. If you want to enjoy an easy and calm diving experience and or if you want to learn or just have a look at the marine biodiversity this is the place to go to.

Sites are mainly organised in a set of drop-offs and trays allowing multiple dives profiles including deep diving down to 60m / 200 ft with decompression steps (maximum depth, air breathing in the french legislation).

Read More: What is a No-Decompression Limit?

I would recommend Les Heures Saines diving center which is located at Malendure and which, from my point of view, provides the best quality of service, diving team, training and spots.

Depending on your diving skills and the weather quality you can also dive at the eastern part of the Island (Main Towns: Saint-François, Port-Louis) or at Les Saintes islands that host one of the best diving spots of the Caribbean: Le Sec Paté. Those locations are reserved for experienced divers with high technical skills (0- 60m using air-filled tanks and up to 120m depth using CCR trimix). There, there is a consistent probability to cross the path of large predators (sharks, sting rays, barracuda..).

Seahorse Guadeloupe Archipelago
Seahorse in the Guadeloupe Archipelago. Photo: Milton Boucard


There are a lot of dive sites accessible from the shore but I would advise, even for an experienced diver, a first exploration with a local guide as the weather conditions can change fast when scuba diving in Guadeloupe.

There are a few liveaboard opportunities here but a lot of boat diving (single or double dives) with the dive centers every day the whole year.


As the water is warm you won’t need much thermal protection. If you plan to strictly dive with the local clubs they will provide you for a 3mm shorty which is sufficient for almost every one. If you are as chilly as I am, I would advise you to bring a full 3 or 5mm wetsuit, especially for long dives ;). All the diving equipment will be provided by the club.

Read More: Use our Wetsuit Temperature Guide

Shrimp Guadeloupe Archipelago
Lots of interesting macro life can be found here. Photo: Milton Boucard


There are diving sites suitable for every level and, if you want to, diving centers provide training here.

A wreck/cave speciality may be a plus as we have several interesting wrecks and caves but, in the French legislation, there is no need to have a speciality to dive in a specific environment such as wreck or caves.

Read More: What is Cave Diving and the differences between Cavern Diving?


Diving is possible all year round as water temperature is between 26 – 29°C (78.8 – 84.2°F). Visibility is good and ranges from 20m – 80m (65ft – 260ft).

The water is warmer from June to October but this is also the rain / hurricane season and the weather can turn bad. I would advise you to come here from November to May. Visibility is often higher, temperature a bit lower and rain probability is low.

Great visibility in Guadeloupe
Great visibility in Guadeloupe. Photo: Milton Boucard


It depends on the dive center but it ranges from 30 to 50 euros (35 – 60 USD) for a single dive. Price is usually lower if you take a package. Discounts are available for locals and/or equipped divers. For Pros, discounts are available for divers certified FFESSM only (dive masters/instructors).


There is a great diversity of accomodation and the price greatly varies from one place to another and may range from 30 up to 500 euros a night. The choice will depend on your budget but you will be able to find an option that suits you. Of course, prices are lower out of the touristic periods.


I have been diving here for four years now, between one and 7 days a week and I never got bored. Actually, I’m still discovering new sites and new marine fauna species. If you want to discover the Caribbean underwater world in the highly secured system provided by French legislation, this is definitely the place to go.

Squid life in the French West Indies
Lots of different creatures like squid, can be found here. Photo: Milton Boucard


Guadeloupe island is actually composed of two separated islands and linked by bridges.

Grande Terre, the eastern Island, is more dry and surrounded by white sand beaches and coconut trees. There you will be able to enjoy all the sea activities, surf, kitesurf, windsurf, sailing, jetski, snorkeling… It’s also the place where most of the night life is (restaurants, bars….).

Basse-Terre is an sleeping volcanic island covered by a majestic tropical forest. Tons of hiking options are possible here, including, rivers, waterfalls, climbing up to the top of the volcano… Don’t worry, you won’t have the time to get bored!

Photo by Milton Boucard
There is lots to see when scuba diving in the Guadeloupe archipelago. Photo: Milton Boucard

Scuba Diving in Cozumel – Mexico


Today we are scuba diving in Cozumel – Mexico!


Cozumel is a Mexican island in the Caribbean Sea, and the scuba diving there is beautiful. The corals are magnificent and plenty. We were extremely excited to see nurse sharks, and got lucky on couple of dives where we saw several on different occasions!

There are also giant green moray eels, who were not scared to be swimming around divers. Huge sting rays and barracudas are often seen on the reef and sandy areas. There is also a big chance of seeing eagle rays, turtles and other types of morays.

Moray eel is Cozumel Mexico
Moray eels galore in Cozumel. Photo: Szandra Lukacs

Other than the “big stuff” there is plenty of macro life, including many different shrimps and crabs, juvenile fish in the shallower water, and if you are extremely lucky, you can spot seahorses!

There are also dive sites with beautiful swim-throughs. The most important thing to know about diving on Cozumel is that most of the dives are drift dives, and currents can sometimes get very strong!


Cozumel has it’s own international airport, but ticket prices are probably much higher than flying into Cancún, a popular Mexican city famed for its nightlife and ‘Spring Break.’

From Cancún it takes about an hour to get to Playa del Carmen with either bus, colectivo (a type of mini-bus), shuttle or taxi.

There are ferries from Playa del Carmen to Cozumel. There are supposed to be two different companies running, but due to Covid, they only operate on separate days, leaving almost every hour. The queue to get to the ferry can get extremely long, especially before weekends and mornings so plan ahead! We were in the queue for 2 hours, standing 3 streets behind the dock.

Macro critters can be found while scuba diving in Cozumel
Lots of critters, small and big can be found around Cozumel. Photo: Szandra Lukacs


85% of the dive sites are protected within the Cozumel Reefs National Marine Park, so therefore all the dives are beautiful.

Here are some of the most visited ones:

Santa Rosa Wall

This dive site is more for intermediate level divers, as there can be strong currents here. The wall starts at 15 meters / 50 feet, and continues over the limit of recreational diving. It has swim-through tunnels, caves and large sponge corals. Sea turtles and eagle rays are often spotted here.

Colombia Wall

The wall is over 30 meters / 100 feet high with a stunning cave and tunnel system. Large barracudas, turtles and eagle rays are often seen hanging around here. The site has coral pillars, reaching 20 meters in height.

Palancar Reef

This is considered an easier dive site for people with less experience. The reef stretches almost 6 kilometers / 3.7 miles and home to thousands of different coral species. This is the area where we saw most of the nurse sharks and giant green moray eels.

Nurse shark in Cozumel, Mexico.
Nurse sharks can be found around Cozumel. Photo: Szandra Lukacs

Palancar Horseshoe

You can explore this reef from the “inside-out” as it has many swim through carved into the coral reef. There are lots of soft corals and small school of fish.

Punta Tunich

This dive site starts at 20 m / 66 ft where the sandy bottom and coral ridges meet. It has a very strong current, so you must be comfortable with that. There are many grunts and snappers to be find here.

Barracuda Reef

Accessibility is season dependent. There are extremely strong currents, only for advanced divers. This is where all the big stuff hang around, from hammerheads – if you are lucky – to black tip reef sharks and many eagle rays.

Ship Wreck C-53

Shipwreck for advanced divers. Possible to enter with plenty of light inside. Lots of fish, lobster, barracuda and groupers can be found here. Currents sometimes can get strong, so be careful not to shift off from the wreck.


The currents can be strong, sometimes I saw my bubbles going below me…oops…wrong direction! For this reason, most of the dives are boat dives, but you can find a few spots for shore dives. It is possible to rent tanks from some dive operations if you are an experienced diver. We did that many times and had some beautiful 98 minutes dive, searching for macro life.

Macro life in Cozumel
Macro life in Cozumel. Photo: Szandra Lukacs

We were diving with a local dive master (now instructor) who started and owns Scuba Reef Divers. It is a small dive operation with a small boat. It is basically Pepe and his captain! They are very nice and friendly people who lived their entire life on the island.

During Covid, Pepe was sent away (like many other people in the diving industry on Cozumel) from a large dive shop he was previously working for 10 years, so we decided to support him and his family by booking our dives with him.

He is able to provide all diving gear, but we had our own with us. He was super flexible and basically worked around us. He took us to different dive spots every day, so we never visited the same site twice, unless we wanted to.

As we prefer morning dives we only went diving at the morning around 8am, but he also offers afternoon dives. They are double tank dives. His briefings are quite short, focusing on how to enter the water, what is the boat number if we are lost, what can we expect to see, maximum depth and safety stop. If you have additional questions don’t be shy to ask.

If you are not comfortable with strong currents just let him know, he will take you to dive sites according to your experience. The dives are no shorter than 60 minutes if you can last that long with your air consumption!

Dive sites are all around the island, but according to the time of the year they can’t be visited all the time. Because of this reason we were mostly diving the west side of the island, where there were no winds and swell. The dive sites there are anywhere between 5 to 45 minutes boat ride away.

Scorpion fish in Mexico - Cozumel
Scorpion fish and an arrow crab. Photo: Szandra Lukacs


The water temperature was very warm in June-July, 28°C / 82.4°F so a skin suit is enough most of the time.

If you are planning to visit in the dry/winter season, they recommend to have a 3-5mm wetsuit as the water temperature will drop by then. Even though there are strong currents, reef hooks are prohibited for the safety of the reef.

Check out our Wetsuit Temperature Guide!


There are plenty of dive sites to choose from for different levels of certification.

You can dive beautiful reefs with weaker currents as a beginner Open Water diver. Or you can enjoy the crazy rides if you have more experience and feel comfortable with speedy drift dives. Just don’t forget that if you drop something (a GoPro, camera…etc) it is gone forever!


The coldest the water gets is about 26°C / 78.8°F (February), while the warmest can be almost 30°C / 78.8°F (September).

Visibility is insanely crazy, when we were diving it was easily 30+ meters almost every day. It can drop a little in rainy season after a big storm, but it improves very quickly due to the water movement.

We had very bad weather lasting for 5 days, but as soon as the rain stopped we still had a 20+ meter viz.

The best season to dive is May-September when the water is warm, there are less tourists, and prices may be a bit lower.

High season is in winter, when Europe and USA residents are trying to escape snowy winter.

It's a moray eel.
It’s a moray eel! Photo: Szandra Lukacs


The average cost of a diving is 40 USD/tank. However package deals are available.

As we were diving a lot during our 4 weeks of holiday on Cozumel, we paid 30 USD/tank. Normally the price will include equipment, however if you have your own, they don’t offer discount.

Because of Covid there were also currently no discounts available for pros.

Renting a tank for shore dives can be 5-10 USD.


There are lots of different budget accomodation available on the island, from all inclusive resorts to smaller apartments/hotels.

Prices range from 30 USD/night to really expensive five star resorts. There are also AirBnBs available.

We stayed in an AirBnB, a bit further from the beach (we also rented a scooter for our stay) and paid 500 USD for the month. It was an incredible apartment with swimming pool, roof terrace, smart tv, wifi, hot shower, air-conditioning, fully equipped kitchen. It was simply just amazing! (Casa Roma).


I really enjoyed diving in Cozumel. The coral reef is very colorful and there was marine life that I hadn’t seen before. For example, have you ever heard of a toadfish?

One of the highlights for me was the amazing visibility within the beautiful turquoise water, and the chance of seeing nurse sharks.


I imagine there is usually very good nightlife on Cozumel, but during Covid there is a 11pm curfew. There are plenty of restaurants and beachfront bars are open until then.

The island is not too big, it is possible to drive around it in about 1.5 hours. However you don’t want to do that as you will skip many awesome things to do.

Cozumel in Mexico.
Sandy beaches in Cozumel. Photo: Szandra Lukacs

Our favorite was Punta Sur, the southern point of Cozumel and part of the Parque Punta Sur, a 247-acre ecological park that covers the reefs, beaches, lagoons, and low forest of the surrounding area.

It has a beautiful beach, where we snorkeled and saw eagle rays and turtles. It also has a mangrove, where you can take a boat ride and spot some of the huge crocodiles living in the area! There is a mangrove viewpoint and a light house, both of them offering breathtaking sights.

When we were not diving we were snorkeling! While snorkeling we saw eagle rays almost daily, moray eels at every site and even reef squid.

It was nesting season for sea turtles and we were super lucky to see one laying her eggs on the wild side of the island. There are huge crabs and raccoons in the mangroves, and hummingbirds are frequently everywhere. Cozumel is a kind of paradise for animal lovers.

What is Bar Pressure vs. PSI Pressure in Scuba Diving?

As a scuba diver, you will certainly come across the terms ‘Bar’ and/or ‘PSI.’ But what exactly do they mean? Well, as a scuba instructor, I hear this question a lot, so here we are going to look at what is Bar pressure vs. PSI pressure, what they are, the differences between them, and how it affects us while diving.

First up is a bit of information on the two most commonly used ways of measuring pressure.

What is Bar Pressure? (Metric)

Pressure is the measure of force exerted on an object and bar is the measure of how much force is being exerted.

Bar is used by the metric system for measuring pressure; Kilograms per square centimeter (Kg/cm2). This is the most commonly used system around the world in scuba diving.

In fact, only three countries in the world don’t use this system (more on those later) so chances are you will be learning to use bar when you first start out scuba diving.

Read More: Scuba Diving Tips for Beginners & Open Water Divers

What is PSI Pressure? (Imperial)

As well as the Metric system we have the Imperial system. Imperial measurements are now only used by The United States of America, Myanmar and Liberia. From these countries, the USA unsurprisingly has the largest diving community.

These countries use what is called PSI or pounds per square inch (lb./in2) for measuring pressure. 

As you can see from above, what system you learn to dive with will very much depend on where you learn to dive (or where your instructor is from!).

What is Bar or PSI measurements used for?

As scuba divers, we are breathing from our SCUBA unit, and relying on the gas inside our tanks/cylinders. This means we need to know how much is in our tank at all times so we can plan our dive and decide when to go up safely.

A submersible pressure gauge (SPG) will tell us how much gas/pressure is in our tank. It will tell us using pressure measurements of bar or PSI. This is why it is so important to know what these terms mean, and how to read your pressure gauge underwater.

It is also very good to know both units of pressure measurement. I can vouch for this from firsthand experience. While working as a newly certified Divemaster, I asked my group of divers underwater how much air (Pressure) they had left, to which I got three expected replies and one very strange set of hand signals. After asking the diver to repeat their answer it was only then that I figured out this diver was using PSI hand-signals and not bar. Now, this is where the fun started, where I had to convert PSI measurements to bar in my head so I would know if the diver was low on air or if we could continue the dive.

Converting Bar to PSI

Hope you guys are ready for a bit of math.  

1 BAR is equal to roughly 14.5037738 PSI (How’s your 14.5 timestables?)

As you can see with these numbers, trying to do conversions in your head can be a little bit tricky.  Below are formulas to help you work these a little bit quicker.

Bar to PSI FormulaPSI to Bar Formula
Multiply the amount in bar by 14.5

Example: 100 bar x 14.5 = 1450 psi
Divide the amount PSI by 14.5

Example: 2300 psi ÷ 14.5 = 158.6 bar

If, like me, math is not one of your strongest skills and these formulas are still a bit tricky, then it might be helpful to try to memorise some numbers. As a diver, what I have done in the past is to have some of the more crucial numbers and conversions written down on an underwater slate.

These are the numbers I usually have written down: –

150 bar2175 psiThis number or above means there is plenty of dive time left
120 bar1740 psiRoughly halfway through the dive
100 bar1450 psiTime to head back to the exit point
70 bar1015 psiStart the safety stop
50 bar725 psiTime to end the dive

Atmospheric Pressure in Bar

Thankfully the math part is over, so now it’s time for some science.

So far, we have been talking about pressure in terms of how much air or gas is in our tanks. One other type of pressure that is crucial in scuba diving is the atmospheric pressure and how it changes at depth while you are diving.

Atmospheric pressure is the amount of pressure exerted at sea level. This is the weight of the atmosphere pushing down on an object. You will see this written down as ATM. 

1 atmosphere (ATM) is roughly equal to 1 bar of pressure; this makes measuring pressure in bar much easier.

1 ATM on the other hand, is equal to around 14.7 PSI.

Pressure Underwater

When diving we descend to various different depths depending on the dive site and certification level. One thing that remains the same is the change in pressure, as water is much denser (heavier) than air, the pressure increase happens much faster underwater.

For every 10 meters (32 feet) of depth we will have another ATM of pressure acting upon our bodies. We won’t feel this pressure change on most of our body but we will feel it in our air spaces (such as our ears) which is why equalizing is so important.

Read More: Tips on How to Prevent Mask Squeeze.

Below is a table showing the changes in atmospheric pressure with depth for Metric (Bar) and Imperial (PSI)

                       Metric                                                                                 Imperial

Depth MetersPressure (Bar)Depth FeetPressure (PSI)

Not sure about you but I find working out the atmospheric pressure a lot easier using Bar, doing it with PSI can be a little more challenging as you can see with the numbers.

Diving Air Pressure

So what affect does the atmospheric pressure have on divers, other than needing to equalize our air spaces? The big factor it affects is air consumption and how fast we are using up our air/gas from the tank.

Due to the increase in pressure we will breathe more air from our tanks at an increased depth. A good example is, hypothetically, if a diver takes one hour to breathe a tank empty on the surface how long would it take to empty the tank at 20 meters?

Depth (Meters)Pressure (Bar)Time to empty tank (minutes)

As we see from the table at 20 meters we are under 3 bar (ATM) of pressure. This means we would breathe the air 3 x quicker than if we were on the surfacing. This results in the tank only lasting 20 minutes.

This shows that an increase in pressure will increase the rate at which the air is consumed. Bare in mind that this is an example with no other factors applied.   

Difference between BAR and PSI

By now you have probably realized that there isn’t actually much difference between bar and PSI.  They are both a way of measuring pressure much in the same way miles and kilometers measure distance. So the question should be, is one better than the other?

Read More: What is 47 Meters in Feet?  

This is a great way to start a debate amongst divers. Depending on where you have been taught, who taught you, and where you dive will impact your preference. Like defending your favorite sports team, divers will defend the system they use as this is what they know best.

Personally, each has their pros and cons, however, I do find bar is much easier when it comes to doing math and calculations on atmospheric pressure (with my math skills this is a big plus).

PSI is generally preferred by technical divers as it makes the rule of thirds easier to manage. It will really boil down to the individual on which unit of measurement they prefer.  


At the start of this article, we asked what is bar pressure, and how does it differ from PSI pressure? Hopefully by reading this, you know understand bar pressure and PSI pressure and why we have the two systems in place.

Converting between the two units can be a little confusing. Luckily nowadays you can find many different SPG’s (submersible pressure gauges) with both bar and PSI dials on them, which makes doing the calculation in your head unnecessary. If you have an SPG with only one system, you can always use the calculations above or use the cheat sheet numbers I used on my slates to help you out.