Q&A with Underwater Cinematographer – Carly Hunter

Carly Brenner Hunter is an Underwater Specialist from Toronto, Canada and runs a company specializing in consulting, crewing, shooting, safety and rentals for underwater filming.

How did you combine your passion for the water and camera?

I started off in the camera department, straight out of film school at 21 years old. We have a camera trainee program with our union, IATSE 667, which is basically a low paid internship that introduces you to different crews, formats, camera systems, etc.

My last show in the program, Resident Evil 4, had a water unit. I was mesmerized. I knew right away I had to figure out how to get involved. After the program, I flew to Thailand for a 4 months backpacking trip. My first stop was Koh Tao, where I learned to scuba dive.

My first drink of air in the pool, I literally stood up and said “this is what I’m doing with the rest of my life”. My instructor had to turn my air off to get me out of the pool.

I ended up travelling for the better part of 3 years, but ultimately looked for a reason to come home. In Canada, you have to be a certified commercial diver to actually perform any work underwater. So I ended up going back to school to get this certificate. It was an intense year!

I learned to use power tools, weld, etc all underwater. Nothing to do with film. After that I struggled to get my spot back in the industry, I worked really hard and built my brand, Carly Underwater. Now my bread and butter is shooting underwater and water safety, though I will still work as a focus puller or camera operator topside.

What is involved as an UW cinematographer or on-set as water safety crew?

The slogan for my company is: all things water for cinema. Consulting, crewing, rentals and safety.

So I like to get as involved as possible, and know as much about the shoot as possible! As the cinematographer, I work with the primary cinematographer to set the lights, frame, and coordinate the best way to get the shot.

All things underwater with Carly Hunter
Carly combined her passion for the water and cinema to create her own company, Carly Underwater. Photo: Carly Brenner Hunter

What is involved in organising an underwater shoot? What are the additional challenges compared to shooting on land?

Shooting underwater can be very involved, or very straight forward. The biggest challenge is prepping the camera and keeping it safely enclosed in a housing that will interact with the lens choices for the overall look of the film.

In terms of safety, having the commercial dive team around covers this. But there’s other elements to consider. As a Canadian, I am always following the weather for an exterior shoot. And usually carry multiple exposure suits to work, and choose the best based on water temp, air temp and comfort.

Since I work in drama most, I am always concerned for the actors’ safety. This means knowing what their wardrobe is made of, (wedding/period piece dresses get VERY heavy in the water), and making sure they can stay warm too! 

What type of locations do you work in?

Since I predominantly shoot drama, I am mostly in pools. We have built sets and sunk them, or most often black out pools. There isn’t a purpose built tank in Toronto, but productions often build a tank to suit their requirements. I have helped consult on depth requirements to get the shot they need, and connect production with tank suppliers. 

They often crank the temperature of the tank to body temperature or even a degree above. Being submerged in water all day, will drop your core temp if it isn’t that warm. This is also a hazard as a diver, because I have overheated on set, and become dehydrated. But for the actors to stay warm all day, it’s necessary. 

What is the most rewarding and challenging parts of your job?

If a show was shot in Toronto in the last 4 years, and has underwater scenes, there’s a very high chance I was the camera operator. Challenging shots are obviously the most rewarding, tracking shots and stunts, etc.

But to be honest, everyone loves the look of underwater, so my job is always rewarding. The DPs and directors always compliment my work. The most challenging part is maintaining my buoyancy as necessary while paying attention to the frame. Practice makes perfect, which is why you really need extensive dive experience to handle cameras underwater. 

What additional equipment do you need for UW shoots?

I have used it all, and won’t give away my exact trick ????.

I am open circuit but have a special regulator I choose if I am not required to wear full face for communication systems.

Being 8 weeks postpartum, for tomorrow’s shoot I have 2 options of exposure suit. A 3mm Mares wetsuit, or my drysuit. They’re the only 2 that fit me at the moment!

I usually travel to set with all of my exposure suit options, dry suit (option thermal underwear), 5mm, 3.5mm shorty, 3mm long, shorts & rashy. You really never know what the conditions will be, and I have to be prepared in any direction.

Carly Brenner Hunter with her underwater camera equipment.
Ready for a water shoot. Photo: Carly Brenner Hunter

What qualifications do you need to become an UW cinematographer or to specialise in water safety for cinema?

In Canada, you have to be a certified commercial diver, or occupational scuba divers. A recreational licence is not good enough.

Each country is different, so know the regulations where you shoot! To be proficient with a camera underwater, you don’t just have to be a scuba diver. You have to be a competent diver, who can control your buoyancy, while framing a shot. Practice makes perfect.

Read More: Q&A with a Canadian Commercial Diver 

Tell us about your scuba diving experiences!

I have lost track of my recreational dives, I would guess somewhere in the 500s, my commercial dives are all logged by hours. The deepest I have been is 178 on surface supplied air to train, which was a decompression dive, requiring time in the hyperbaric chamber.

My all time favourite site is the Yongala Wreck from Townsville in Australia! Saba Island in the Carribean is spectacular, and so is Bonaire! For cold water local diving I am a regular in Tobermory, Ontario… we have a lot of incredible shipwrecks.

Describe your most memorable diving experience.

Snorkelling with a whale shark on Ningaloo reef in Oz was pretty amazing.

Most memorable could be black tips sharks on the Aliwal Shoal! Or maybe following a bull shark in Thailand during my advanced open water course. I could keep going for this one.

For professional, I guess just big name dives, like shooting Cate Blanchett in Mrs. America!

To see more of Carly’s work, head over to her Instagram and check out Carly Underwater.

How to Prepare For Cold Water Diving

Everybody’s first dive will forge its individual experience deep into the memory bank of that diver. The interesting thing I have realized was that many of those who learn and master cold water diving (perhaps with years of dives) have anxiety for diving in warm water. While the same goes for warm water divers who are reluctant about putting on those layers and added weight and who usually avoid the cold temperatures all together.

So, let’s deep dive into some of the differences of cold and warm water diving, and find out what you need to consider when preparing for cold water diving!

First, Why the Anxiety?

Like changing jobs, many people feel as if they are going to have to start from scratch and be new all over again. Well, hate to break it to you. That’s exactly what is going to happen when changing from diving in cold water to warm water, and vice versa.

It’s time to get off that high horse and add a bit of humility because you may find that a diver with 30 dives in the environment you’re venturing into is much more comfortable than you, with perhaps hundreds of dives in the alternative. It may only take a few dives to figure it out but you still need to forget a bit of what you know and alter it for the environment you’re now in.

Scuba diving in cold water temperatures.
Diving into the murky depths of cold water diving. Photo: Madixx S. Russell

I’ll sweat to death!

Yep, number one on a cold water diver’s concern is that they layer up so much and are comfortable in 6°C/43°F or less water, that they fear they’ll die of heat exhaustion in anything above 20°C/68°F!

One thing to remember is that water conducts heat away from your body 20 times faster than air. So, as you increase your exposure to the water by reducing your thermal protection to possibly only a rash guard then the longer you are in the water you will likely not overheat. You may even become cold in 29°C/84°F after 40 minutes of diving. So start with what is recommended by the local dive professional and see how you feel at the beginning, during and after your dive and change it accordingly.

Read More: How Does a Drysuit Work?

It’s too damn cold for me!

Yep, cold water is cold. Otherwise it wouldn’t be called “cold water diving”. Typically, it means anything below 14°C/75°F (Note: Cold water regulator distinction is rated to EN250 EU standard for anything below 10°C/50°F that could have more potential for a free-flow at depth).

But with the proper planning in thermal protection you will be able to enjoy any temperature you plunge into. Now let’s talk head to toe about the thermal gear going from warm into cold because, yeah, this is the big difference there.

Cold Water Diving Gear

Cold Water Diving Hoods

You lose the majority of your heat from your head, likely because of all that thinking you do. So in warmer waters it may be optional but in cold water a hood is mandatory. You forget your hood, you ain’t diving.

Correct fit is important as to keep the trapped water tight to your skin and all that brain activated heat keeping you warm. If your hood doesn’t fit correctly or the upper skirt of your mask isn’t covered by the hood properly you may end up with what can only be described as an “ice cream headache”. Not fun and it could last for hours after the dive. So make sure to have that sorted before you take your gear to the open water.

Selfie of Madixx Russell cold water scuba diving
Diving hoods and a well-fitted mask are necessary when diving in cold temperatures. Photo: Madixx Russell

Diving Mask

Your scuba diving mask is as important as any gear in your kit. Aside from the obvious benefits and necessity of having a mask I’m just going to explain a bit of how to prep your mask. Make sure it fits. A good seal is more important than the brand. You could have the sexiest and most expensive mask ever made but if it don’t fit it ain’t gonna work for you. Next, would be how to prevent the mask fogging.

Masks fog up when the temperature inside the mask is significantly different to the temperature outside of the mask. For example; your warm breath against the cold glass.

Initially, when you buy your mask from your local dive shop each mask is conditioned with a protective coating by the manufacturer. You’ll need to remove this otherwise it will fog up constantly. So prepare your mask the night before your dive. What you need is basic white toothpaste (not gel) and baking soda. Mix these two ingredients and rub that mixture with your finger to spread it on the inside lens of the mask. Then wash it out prior to your dive.

Read More: Pro Tips to Stop Your Mask Fogging Up!

Our recommendation before every dive is to treat the mask with anti-fog or good ole fashioned spit on the inside of your mask. Leave this ‘goo’ until the last moment that you put the mask on.

In cold water you will want to plunge your face into the water you’ll be diving in to get it close to the temperature of the water. BRRRR. Then rinse out that goo with the water you’ll be diving in.

Finally, put the mask on and make sure there’s no forehead exposed and the hood covers that top skirt of the mask. Additionally, don’t over-tighten that mask with the strap. The mask is meant to fit with a good seal. So if fitted properly it will vacuum onto your face on its own. The strap is there to hold it on and not to tighten the mask to your face.

Cold Water Scuba Diving Regulator

One thing to consider when venturing into the cold is “Will my regulator be safe?”

A regulator you bought at a resort in the tropics likely won’t cut it when plunging into the cold water. Why? Because, chances are they’re unbalanced and not environmentally sealed.

This means the regulator can breathe hard at depth (like sucking through a long straw) or even worse, freeze up and free-flow if you end up in waters that a polar bear frolics in for fun. I would strongly suggest not skimping out on a “cheap” regulator when purchasing. Even if you don’t plan to ever dive in the cold; you never know what lies in your diving adventures and you don’t want to have to fork out that dough again if you can prevent it.

Consider buying a cold water diving regulator that is balanced and sealed. Remember, this is your life support system. A hardy regulator made for cold water diving will be versatile (and safe) for diving in both cold waters and warm waters. Be sure you have a good one from the start and service it as the manufacturer recommends to keep it well maintained. So buying a reg that can withstand harsher conditions will most certainly be fine in any condition the tropics will present. They make regs like this that are light-weight, relatively inexpensive and pretty much “bulletproof” to most conditions.

Drysuits and Wetsuits

With cold water diving, you will certainly need a warm exposure suit. If the temperatures are going below 14°C/57°F you should look into a 7mm neoprene wetsuit, a semi-dry neoprene wetsuit or a drysuit (neoprene or membrane).

Neoprene adds buoyancy so that will also decide how much weight to use (We’ll talk about this later). The difference between a wetsuit and a semi-dry are mainly the seals and the zipper. While both require water to flood the suit (Note: the initial flood does suck in the cold) neoprene is incredible for not allowing water to penetrate through it. It’s essentially engineered closed-celled rubber. The water enters through the seals, usually with your help, and does not seep in or out through the neoprene, as many assume that that’s how water enters the suit. Meaning it traps the water from circulating and your body heat keeps that trapped water warm. So the seals of the semi-dry should be tight and snug and the suit should be as close to your body to heat up as little water as possible. So make sure the thing fits you like “Flanders’ ski suit” and could make you bashful in the company of others.

A proper semi-dry has a similar zipper to a drysuit where it allows zero water seepage when secured. The drysuit zipper uses the same technology as an astronauts suit zipper and makes it air tight.

A wetsuit does not have this “air tight” mechanism and can allow some water transfer that may cool you down over a dive.

Madixx in a exposure suit preparing to dive in cold water.
Wearing the correct exposure suit is important when planning a cold water dive. Photo: Madixx S. Russell

Drysuits basically trap air into the suit via an inflator hose keeping you nice and dry and toasty. Though you should take note that you’re still submerged underwater for a good period of time so a drysuit isn’t 100% dry. Contributors to getting wet inside your suit are sweat, warm body temperature colliding with the cold water temperature outside may cause condensation or you may move in your seals like looking around with your neck instead of your body allowing water to trickle in. Or worst case you get a tear in your seal or a puncture in your suit (Also note: you should seek training in order to safely and effectively use a drysuit).

A neoprene drysuit adds thermal protection but still adds buoyancy whereas in a membrane drysuit it’s only the underwear you are required to wear that keeps you warm that may add to the buoyancy. A membrane drysuit gives you zero thermal protection. Basically it’s a fashionable garbage bag.

Dry Gloves

Same as a hood. Don’t have gloves? Then you ain’t diving in the cold, my friend. They can be wet or dry but I personally enjoy a dry glove with a nice thermal liner. In wet gloves your hands may get numb after a long dive in the cold even if they fit like a “glove.” The thicker the glove the more difficult it is to move your fingers, however. If using a 7mm glove or thicker you should opt for “lobster” 3-fingered gloves for better dexterity in a wet glove.

Diving Booties and Boots

Booties are great with a wetsuit but boots are required on a drysuit. Booties give you the same thermal protection as a wetsuit so it’s good to have fitting un-holey ones. They range from 2mm-7mm and you should purchase them accordingly based on the type of diving you’ll be doing.

Diving boots are designed to either go over neoprene socks attached to a drysuit or the boots themselves are attached to the drysuit In a bootie they can typically be used with any of your warm water fins. A boot will be larger and require a larger fin size to fit them. 


As stated above, booties vs boots require a different sized fin. So if you wear a medium fin (9-11US/42-45Uk) you may need to buy or rent a fin size of XXL to fit your boots.

Fins are always subjective as far as style but I prefer more robust and sturdy fins for cold water because you make less movements in the additional gear and weight you require in these waters.

Cold Water Diving Weights 

Ok, now let’s talk about weight. The point of diving is to be submerged underwater for a good period of time. You need to stay down. How much weight you need for this is determined by what you are wearing. In warm water you may only have a 2mm vest or a rash guard or simply “nothing at all” where 4-6lbs/ 2-3kgs will be sufficient.

In cold water diving, you could be wearing 7mm neoprene or more which could bring that amount to nearly 50lbs/22kgs. So how you add weight is crucial by using a weight belt, a heavier steel tank vs aluminum, a weighted standard tank adapter, trim pockets or most people will use their integrated weights on your bcd. Weighting and the positioning of the weight will change as you configure your gear to the type of diving you do.

Try our Scuba Diving Weight Calculator to figure out how much weight you should use!

Buoyancy Compensating Device (BCD)

This, like all the points above, could be a long topic but I’m just gonna keep it simple.

In warm water pretty much any BCD will do. Jacket, wing or backplate with no real consideration than to what you prefer.

However, in cold water the same applies but you now have to take into account your bcd or wing’s lift capacity. With as much as 50lbs/22kgs you may need to use a different bcd you wear in warm water to accomodate all that lead weight.

As well, things need to be more streamlined and positioned deliberately because you have less mobility and possibly big thick gloves that may make it difficult to reach something you could do with ease and without thinking in the warm.

Cold water scuba diving gear for diving in Canada
You will need a BCD with enough lift capacity for cold water diving. Photo: Madixx S. Russell

Plan Your Dive, Dive Your Plan

Like sex or pizza there is never a bad dive! Just be sure that you prepare accordingly and can adapt to unforeseen circumstances with the proper training. So venture out. Explore to your heart’s content. Become experienced in both warm waters and cold waters and then you can go anywhere without anxiety. Be a diver that will be prepared, trained and able to plunge into the depths regardless of what temperature you may be plunging into. And most importantly, have fun out there.

Nitrox Diving – What is Enriched Air?

Along your scuba diving journey, you may have noticed that some tanks or cylinders have bright green and yellow markings. These tanks represent enriched air, which means the divers are diving with nitrox, a special blend of gas to enrich your diving experience. However, like everything else in diving, nitrox can be highly effective if used properly, or very dangerous if used incorrectly. Let’s take a look at what nitrox diving is, the pros and cons of diving with it, and why some divers prefer diving with this enriched air!

What is Nitrox or Enriched air?

To start out, we’re already trying to confuse you by having two names for the same thing.

Scuba divers are notoriously lazy, which is why we use highly effective fins to swim with, we aim to breathe easily and lazily to conserve our air, and we also like to shorten every name that we can; submersible pressure gauge S.P.G, buoyancy control device B.C.D and so on, and the same is true with Enriched Air Nitrox.

Read More: SCUBA Acronyms – Useful Terms to Know

The word Nitrox is an abbreviation of Nitrogen and Oxygen. This is a term given to any mixture of gas where the oxygen content is higher than 21%.

When this happens we have enriched the mix with more oxygen, so the full name is Enriched Air Nitrox (EANx).  Since divers are already lazy, and Enriched Air Nitrox is a bit of a mouthful (I’m already annoyed at typing it out so much), we just shorten this term to Nitrox.

To make it easy to identify Nitrox tanks, they will be marked differently from normal air tanks. The most common markings are green and yellow stickers or fabric bands, with the word Nitrox or Enriched Air written on them. Different parts of the world may have other colour systems or markings so check locally.

Enriched air or Nitrox carries some dangers in scuba diving.
Enriched air / Nitrox is a great way to dive. However, it does carry a risk of oxygen toxicity which is why you need to be trained to dive with nitrox.

Why Dive with Nitrox?

In scuba diving it is always the amount of nitrogen in our bodies that dictates how deep and how long we can stay down diving underwater.

The deeper and longer we are down the more nitrogen is absorbed into our bodies. Sometimes, depending on the diver and the dive, you will have enough air in your tank to continue diving, but have reached your maximum nitrogen consumption for the dive. This can be frustrating as now you need to end the dive due to your no-decompression limits (NDL).

Diving with Nitrox, however, reduces the amount of Nitrogen entering the body due to the higher oxygen percentage. This means that your NDLs are extended, and in the same situation as before, you would now be able to continue your dive and have an increased bottom time.

Pros and Cons of Nitrox Diving

So far, Nitrox sounds pretty awesome, reducing nitrogen loading to allow more dives in a day or longer, deeper dives (depending on air supply), but it also has some downsides, so let’s look at the pros and cons of using nitrox.

Longer NDLsNitrox costs more per tank
No need to push decompression limitsAdditional preparation before each dive
Reduced nitrogen load on multiple dives in a dayNo benefit if diving with non-nitrox divers*
Potential increased energy due to more oxgyen Extra training is necessary
  • *As we know from our training, we should always follow the most conservation no-decompression limits, which means if your buddy is not diving with nitrox, then you would need to still follow their limits.

Enriched Air Nitrox Diving Tables

Just as diving with normal air, Nitrox has its own set of diving tables to calculate your no-stop times.

Due to the reduced consumption of Nitrogen while diving on Nitrox we need to use different tables when planning our dives. Nitrox tables are easy to recognise as they will typically be bright yellow and green in color, compared to the standard recreational dive planner (RDP) tables.

These tables will usually come with NDLs or no-stop times based on 32% and 36% oxygen. These figures are the common nitrox blends.

Oxygen PercentageDepthNo-Decompression Limit
21%18 m / 60 ft56 Minutes
32%18 m / 60 ft95 Minutes
36%18 m / 60 ft125 minutes

As you can see from above, using 36% EANx gives you more than double the NDL for an 18 m / 60 ft dive.  Planning the dives is exactly the same, making sure you don’t have too much nitrogen in your body throughout any singular or repetitive dive series.

One limiting factor with some agencies’ dive tables is you can only get them in two or three oxygen percentages such as seen in the table above. This is where using a dive computer has massive advantages.

Nitrox diving is considered a gas mix with any blend higher than 21% oxygen. Dive computers (depending on the model) allows you to set the oxygen percentages from a range of 22% through to 50% with some technical computers allowing you to set it up as high as 100% oxygen. This allows much more flexibility when planning dives and having the best mix for the dive you wish to perform.

Read More: Best Diving Computers for Beginners

Dangers of Diving with Nitrox (Why do you need a Nitrox Certification?)

Just as with any diving, using Nitrox comes with its own set of dangers with the main one being Oxygen Toxicity.

Oxygen Toxicity happens when a diver exceeds the maximum partial pressure of oxygen in a gas mix. The deeper we dive, the higher the partial pressure of oxygen becomes. On-land we are able to breathe 100% oxygen safely with no problems, however, at depth this is another story. Because nitrox has a higher oxygen content, we reach the partial pressure oxygen limit at shallower depths. This is the main reason why you need nitrox training and a certification to go diving with nitrox.

Oxygen Toxicity symptoms include;

  • Coughing
  • Chest pain
  • Trouble breathing
  • Muscle twitching in face and hands
  • Dizziness
  • Blurred vision
  • Nausea.
  • Death

Without the nitrox certification it’s highly unlikely that divers would know how to plan what mix to use and what depth to stay above to prevent oxygen toxicity from happening. This is why it is so important to take an Enriched Air Nitrox course before diving and breathing from a nitrox tank.

Scuba Diving Nitrox Certification

The main part of the nitrox diving course is teaching people how to avoid oxygen toxicity, through good planning and understanding of limits imposed by the gas mixture in your tank.

So, what’s involved with a Nitrox certification?


  • During this part of the course you will learn all the science behind partial pressures and maximum operating depths, how to use Nitrox safely and what to do in emergencies. You will also have knowledge reviews and an exam to complete during this section.

Tank Marking

  • While diving on Nitrox certain information is written on the tanks. You need to write the name of the person using the tank, date the tank was analyzed, oxygen percentage and max operating depth. This is done so important details can be found quickly if any problems occur.

Analyzing Tank

  • This is completed pre-dive to make sure the gas in the tank is what you asked for. The process is completed by calibrating an oxygen analyser using a normal air tank of 21% oxygen, then the analyzer is used on the Nitrox tank to record the exact oxygen percentage in the tank.

Dive Computer

  • If using a dive computer during your Nitrox course your instructor will show you how to set your computer for the Oxygen percentage you will be diving with. They may do a simulation with you, so you can set your own computer on future Nitrox dives.

This is based around the PADI Enriched Air Diver course. Other agencies will have similar courses and structures but may differ slightly. Contact your local dive centre for more information.

Calculating your PPO²

PPO² stands for Partial Pressure of Oxygen. You will sometimes see this written PO².

When diving on Nitrox we are mostly concerned with the pressure being exerted on the oxygen part of the mix, hence, the partial pressure. We calculate the concentration of oxygen that is absorbed at various depths when using Nitrox to remain safe.  

To calculate the partial pressure of O², you multiply the percentage of oxygen by the amount of pressure you are under at depth.

Remember, on the surface we are under 1 Bar/1 ATA of pressure and for every 10 meters of depth we enter a new Bar/ATA of pressure. 

So for example if we were using a Nitrox tank with 25% Oxygen and diving to 20 meters (65 ft). We would do the following calculation: 0.25% O² x 3 bar/ATA = 0.75 PO²

In recreational diving, the maximum partial pressure should be 1.6. Though we plan all dives with a contingency limit of 1.4. This gives us a small buffer in case we accidentally exceed our maximum operating depth before Oxygen Toxicity kicks in.

Here is a table showing Partial Pressures for the most common Nitrox / Enriched Air Blends.

Depth (M)Pressure in BAR/ATA21% O²32% O²34% O²36% O²
40m51.051.60*Exceeds limitExceeds limit
50m61.26Exceeds limit
*This is the maximum partial pressure depth.

As you can see from the table, without allowing the partial pressure to exceed 1.4 or normal air (21%) we can dive to a depth of around 56 meters.

However, when using a Nitrox mix of 36% we are limited to about 28 meters. These depths are known as the maximum operating depths (MOD).

This is where you need to be highly mindful of your depth when using nitrox. As an Advanced Open Water Diver you would be certified to go to 30 meters, but using EANx36 you can only go to to a depth of 28m safely.

Using a computer makes this much easier. Once you input your gas mixture and the maximum partial pressure you want to follow, the computer will calculate your MOD and some computers will even give you a warning if you exceed this depth limit. Though you should not just rely on the computer’s safety feature; good buoyancy and checking your depth regularly is always the best option to stay safe.

This is also why Nitrox tanks are clearly marked with bright yellow and green bands, so you don’t accidentally use an enriched mix and dive too deep exceeding the safe partial pressure.

How Deep Can You Scuba Dive with Nitrox?

Looking at the above table, the depth you can dive to is going to be greatly affected by the mixture in your tank.

The less oxygen you have in the tank means the deeper you can go, so technically the lowest amount of oxygen in an Nitrox tank would be 22% bringing your max depth to around 53 m / 173 ft.

The maximum depth of recreational diving is 40 m / 130 ft, so unless further technical training is acquired the deepest you can go on Nitrox is 40 meters.  

Can You Dive Longer with Nitrox?

This is a very common misconception with Nitrox!

Sadly, Nitrox is not a wonder drug that gives us infinite air while diving. As we have read, diving with enriched air does reduce nitrogen loads which means we can go to a deeper depth for longer. However, we are still constrained by air consumption and at some point we all run our tanks down to the point when we have to end the dive safely.

This is the same when diving on Nitrox. Though sometimes, as we are able to stay deeper for longer, this means we use our gas quicker than on normal air dives. But why? I hear you say. This is because we are under more pressure for longer resulting in breathing our tank quicker.

This is the balancing act of diving on nitrox; not staying at a maximum depth for so long that we get short dives, but also being able to stay long enough to have the benefits of the reduced nitrogen load.

Pro Tip: UW Photographers love using enriched air for the longer no-deco times. This allows them additional time at a certain depth to capture the perfect shot. Read our tips on how to become an Underwater Photographer.

Does Nitrox Reduce Narcosis?

As we still have nitrogen content in our tanks while diving on Nitrox, the effects of narcosis are exactly the same as diving on normal air.

Read More: What is Gas Narcosis? 

If you encounter gas narcosis on a Nitrox dive, follow the same steps you would when experiencing narcosis on normal air. Ascend to a shallower depth until the effects wear off. If you still feel uncomfortable then you should end the dive.

Scuba Diving with Enriched Air

Hopefully, you now have a much clearer understanding of Nitrox diving and what enriched air is. As you can see, like with any diving it has its risks but as long as it is used safely and responsibly nitrox can really enrich any dive (see what I did there!).

Nitrox is one of the most common specialties for divers to learn, especially for people planning diving holidays with multiple dives per day. With the reduction of nitrogen load and no need to push NDL limits, it really makes those trips more enjoyable. Some divers use the nitrox scuba diving course as a gateway into technical diving. Whatever the reason, nitrox is a great certification to have and let’s be honest, you just look cooler diving with Nitrox!

Muck Diving in Tulamben, Bali, INDONESIA


Today we are muck diving in Tulamben, a small fishing village on the north-east coast of Bali, in Indonesia.


Lots of avid divers love nudibranchs. They are so colorful and have different forms and sizes. The smallest could be as small as 3mm. Most nudibranchs live in a not pretty environment. They live in a muddy, mucky and sandy area.  Usually, divers who just started diving, are not interested in this kind of environment as there is very little colourful soft coral reef. It’s considered a boring area. However, this is what we call MUCK DIVING.

Divers who love taking pictures of nudibranchs and other interesting critters, such as frogfish, rhinopias fish, bobtail cuttlefish, all kind of shrimps, etc., know that muck diving is so much fun. They can dive with no end in sight and not get bored at all.

Nudibranchs and critters found muck diving in Tulamben
Doto Greenamyeri Nudibranch. Photo: Henny Slamet

Indonesia is a heaven for muck diving. It has three famous muck diving areas; Lembeh Strait in North Sulawesi, Laha Strait in Ambon, Maluku and Tulamben in Bali.

Now, let’s go to Tulamben.

Tulamben is a heaven for underwater macro photographers. There are so many critters in this black sand sea bottom. A lot of nudibranchs range from a 10 cm long to a just 2 mm in size. Frogfishes, crabs, shrimps; such as harlequin shrimp, skeleton shrimp, bobtail cuttlefish, and many more. Before coming to Tulamben, be ready with your underwater camera with a big volume of memory card!

Besides all the macro muck diving sites, there are 3 dive sites, suitable for a non-macro diver; USS Liberty Wreck, Drop Off and Coral Garden.

USS Liberty wreck is the most famous wreck in Bali.  Divers who come to Tulamben should not miss to visit this wreck.  

Frogfish mucking diving in Bali
There are a range of small marine life in Bali, such as this frogfish. Photo: Henny Slamet


Ngurah Rai International Airport is the gateway to entering Bali. From the airport, you can take a taxi to Tulamben, which is about 3 hours ride. Suggest to grab something to eat at the airport before the car ride or make a stop for a meal on the way to Tulamben.  

A pick-up service is usually available from your dive resort in Tulamben, provided you make the airport pick-up booking with them.


USS Liberty Shipwreck

The USS Liberty Wreck is the famous dive site you must visit. The ship sunk in 1961 and was left unexplored for a few decades, which means that nearly all of the wreck is covered in stunning colorful soft coral (even the cannon!). With a good camera strobe and wide angel lens, you will be able to shot beautiful photos of the shipwreck. A lot of fish live in and around the wreck. You may encounter schooling sweetlips or travally fish.

Usually, the wreck is very busy and full of divers. But not at this pandemic time. When I was there, we were the only diver group underwater. 

I highly suggest to do at least 2 dives here, mixing up an early morning dive, day dive, or even a dive night!

If you were lucky, on the early morning dive, around 5:30am – 6am you may catch a schooling Bumphead Parrotfish. They are big, and can grow up to 1.3m (4.2ft) long!

Pay more attention to the wreck, and you will be surprised to find some nudibranchs, white scorpion leaf fish and probably a pink one, too!

Batu Niti

This is a macro dive site. My favorite site with a black sandy bottom, covered with thin mud.

A few years ago, after the eruption of Mount Agung, an active volcano, this site was closed as the sandy bottom was covered by mud. This year it is open, as the mud is thinning, washed up by the current and waves.  

Now Batu Niti is full of nudibranchs and critters. Goniobanchus Fidelis, Polycera Sp1, Hypselodoris Infucata, Unidentia Sandramillenea, Trinchesia Yamasui nudibranchs are just some of the names I know. There are still some critters that I have not identified yet. We also found 7mm tiny frogfish, ghost pipefish, baby emperor angelfish, cleaner shrimps, the donald duck shrimp, tiger shrimp, and many more critters.

Donald Duck Shrimp (Leander Plumosus)
The Donald Duck Shrimp (Leander Plumosus). Photo: Henny Slamet


For macro lovers, Sidem is a dive spot you must visit.

Shore entry with rubble on the beach.  

We found pompom crab, mantis peacock shrimp, orangutan crab, frogfish, seahorse, ghost pipefish, and a lot of nudibranchs, such as Cyerce Elegans, Halgerda Willeyi, Siphoteron Tigrinum, and many more.

When we stumbled across some Spanish Dancer nudibranch eggs, we were 80% sure that we would find the Spanish Dancer nudibranch on a at night dive. And Sidem is the place for a night dive!


Melasti is another famous dive site for macro diving and macro photography. 

There are tons of nudibranchs living here, such as Stiliger Oratus Ehrenberg, Theracera Sp. aka Pickachu, Eubranchus Sp., Mexichromis Multituberculata, Doto Greenamyeri, Costasiella Sp. aka the cute and famous Shaun the Sheep, and many more.  On top of nudibranchs, we also found several kinds of shrimps; skeleton shrimp, whip coral shrimp, harlequin shrimp and mantis peacock shrimp.  Also, cowrie, lady bug and pipefish.  

Try a night dive at Melasti.  You will find incredible critters around.

A pair of Pikachu Nudibranchs Polycera Abei. Photo: Henny Slamet
A pair of Pikachu Nudibranchs Polycera Abei. Photo: Henny Slamet


Some people call this site Big Tree.

I dived here three times one day. You can explore the left side, front of the beach, and the right side. At one spot, we found a range of critters, from nudibranchs, crabs and shrimps just next to each other. It was like coming to a party for me, and I got busy taking photos of them! Kwanji is also an interesting spot for night dive.


Seraya is another dive site you should not miss.

A lot of nudibranchs and other critters.

The other dive sites you may like to visit are Cantik Point, Batu Ringgit and Bulakan. 

(Editor’s Note – I have dived here before and the macro life blew my mind! I may have even gone into deco as I got so distracted by the nudibranchs….ooops).  


In Tulamben, each dive spot has its specific nudibranchs and critters. Therefore, if possible, try to visit all of the sites. However, due to the pandemic, some of these spots were still closed.  

There were also times when we could not visit a dive spot due to a religious activity at the temple close to the beach, so plan accordingly.

The critters found in Tulamben depend on the season. One time at one dive site a number of frogfishes were found, other time, none of them. But instead, there are nudibranchs around so you never know what you’re going to see!

The best way to plan for your muck dive, is to depend on your dive guide who would have recently dived these areas. They are highly knowledgeable about knowing where and what can be found at that specific dive site.  Communicate directly to your guide on what you wish to see, and he will suggest which dive site to visit. He will also check around with other guides to find your wish.

Hypselodoris Kanga Nudibranch Tulamben Close up of the purple critter.
Hypselodoris Kanga Nudibranch in Tulamben. Photo: Henny Slamet


Water temperature in Tulamben is about the same year around, which is about 28 – 30°C (82.4 – 86°F).

A 3mm wetsuit is sufficient. Some divers who are used to colder water, only uses a rash guard. However, during the month of August/September, the water temperature can drop to 26°C (78.8°F), with windy conditions above water.

Read More: Use our Wetsuit Temperature Guide

An underwater camera with a good macro lens and a light are a must to bring along when muck diving in Tulamben. Without a camera diving in Tulamben could be boring. Remember, most dive sites are only sandy bottoms covered with mud and not much coral to see.

As the objects to capture are small, a light of a simple torch would be sufficient. Of course, a good flash or underwater strobes can also enhance the photo result.


Most of the critters are located below 18m / 60ft so an Advanced level certification would take you to their location. Plus, a nitrox certification will give divers more bottom time to take that perfect photo. Some dive centers will provide nitrox at no additional cost.  

Good buoyancy is required for muck diving. The critters are small and very small.  One wrong move from a diver, could blow them away or kick up the sand and mud clouding the water’s visibility. This will make it difficult to photograph them or they may have gone away.

Read More: How Do Divers Go Up and Down?

A nudibranch photographed by Henny Slamet
You need to have good buoyancy if you want to take some nice muck diving photos! Photo: Henny Slamet


All dive sites in Tulamben are shore entry with rubbles on shore.

Water temperature at these dive sites are about 27-30°C (80.5-86°F).  However, during August – September, the water temperature can drop to 26°C (78°F).


Diving in Tulamben is reasonable. One fun dive costs around USD 20-35, depending to the dive center.

Some dive centers will offer dive packages with a certain number of dives at a lower cost. Directly communicating with the dive center may give you a good price. It’s also worth checking to see if they provide nitrox for free or at an additional cost.

For more economical dives, there are also freelancer guides offering their services at a lower cost compared to a dive center. Some of them have a website or contact details that you can find online or through word of mouth.  Usually they will also be a licensed instructor which means they are able to give you a diving course and certification. Be sure to check their credentials and insurance is up to date though!

If you do not bring your own dive equipment, you may rent them at a reasonable additional cost. Inform your dive center before you arrive as they will prepare it for you.  This will avoid hassle before your first dive.


Sea view or garden view dive resorts are available along the main road of Tulamben. They range from 2 to 3 stars accommodation. If you are on a tight budget, garden view will cost you less money.

The difficult pandemic time means a lot of dive resorts and villas in Tulamben are currently closed. However, the Indonesian Government has just allowed tourism activities to operate; so resorts and villas are reopening and welcoming guests.  

A number of domestic and foreign divers from Sanur, Jakarta and other cities within Indonesia, are starting to come and dive in Tulamben. With a limited number of guests and a lot of accommodations available, the owners are offering a big discount. Check with them directly and you will be surprised at the price they quote.  


I was in Tulamben this early September, when the Indonesian Government was just reopening tourism activities. Accommodation is cheap, diving is cheap.  Though a number of dive resorts are still closed. The dive sites are empty and we had the whole dive site and the sea just for us. It was heaven!


Usually, we do two dives at one dive spot when muck diving in Tulamben.  We have the surface interval on the shore. There are local warungs (a small stall selling drinks and snacks) available at most dive spots. You can have hot coffee, tea or carton juices along with snacks before going back to the water.

After the second dive, we can have lunch around Tulamben or Amed or back to your resort.

At Kwanji dive site, upon order, the Ibu Warung can cook lunch of a fresh mahi mahi barbeque. The fish comes with steam rice, vegetables, sambal (chilli paste) and kerupuk (crackers). It was delicious and a perfect lunch after muck diving. You will need to order before you hit the water of your second dive, as Ibu Warung needs about an hour to prepare the food. It is highly recommended!

Scuba Diving in Jamaica – Wrecks, Reefs, and Walls


Today we are scuba diving in Jamaica, an island country situated in the Caribbean Sea!


There is a range of things you can see while diving in Jamaica! From old shipwrecks, to colorful reefs, and tropical marine life. What you will see depends on which location in Jamaica you decide to dive. All areas are good for diving certification.

In Kingston where I dive mostly, you can dive off Port Royal based at the Grand Hotel Excelsior Port Royal. There are several small islands just off shore (cays) Kingston and also several shipwrecks.

In Port Antonio you can do a few dives in the nearby well managed marine park. In Montego Bay, the operations are very close to the drop offs and have excellent shallow dives also. In Negril, you can get a good variety of dives in almost guaranteed calm water and good viz.

Lobsters found while scuba diving in the Caribbean.
Lobsters in the Caribbean. Photo: Deborah Chen


Kingston is the capital city in Jamaica. There are two main international airports – in Kingston it is the Norman Manley International Airport on the south and in Montego Bay it is the Donald Sangster International Airport on the North side.

The main tourist areas are on the north. There are many international airlines that come to Jamaica. Most of the dive operations are on the north (Port Antonio, Ocho Rios, Montego Bay or Negril with one operation in Kingston based at Port Royal. Transport can be arranged by your hotel, otherwise there is a reliable transport service (JUTA) you can use or a coach service (Knutsford Express) depending how far you are going.

Public transport is available but can be packed and doesn’t run to a specific schedule though it does run regularly. Also there may be issues with space for luggage depending how much you have.


Jamaica has a great range of dive sites since it is an island!

Generally, Kingston cays are good for the shipwrecks and also reefs. Notable wrecks include:

Cayman Trader Wreck

Max. 50ft / 15m. The Cayman Trader wreck is a nice, shallow wreck with easy conditions for beginners. It was built in Norway and registered in the Cayman Islands, and was sunk in 1977 after the cargo ship caught fire and sunk.

Wreck diving on the Cayman Trader in Jamaica.
The Cayman Trader wreck. Photo: Deborah Chen

The Texas

80ft – 100ft (25m – 30m). The Texas wreck sits southeast of Port Royal. The HMS Texas was a Royal Navy ship built in Canada which sunk in 1944 after a collision. Dives have to be early in the morning due to the windy conditions with tend to come up by midday.

The Texas wreck - scuba diving.
The Texas wreck. Photo: Deborah Chen

Port Antonio has good walls and reefs with the marine park doing well.

Montego Bay also has good walls and reefs.

Negril tend to have the most consistently calm conditions. All have good dive sites.


The main areas in Jamaica have close dive sites that can be reached by boat. There are no liveaboards. There is very limited shore diving.


A skin suit is ok most of the time. Even though the water is warm a skin is good protection in case you brush against fire coral. Otherwise a 3mm wetsuit in “winter” time is good. Water does not get very cold. A torch is useful to look under ledges. Strong currents are rare.

Read More: Use our Wetsuit Temperature Guide for Scuba Diving

Soft Corals Diving In Jamaica
Soft corals can be found in Jamaica. Photo: Deborah Chen


All the areas for diving in Jamaica that I mentioned have dives that are suitable for beginners. There are also some deeper dives for advanced divers. It is also recommended to have a wreck specialty so you can explore the cool wrecks around here!


Water temperature is almost always in the 80s°F / 26°C. Strong currents are rare. Hurricane season is June to November with most activity being during July to September.

Visibility depends on the location. We have a lot of rivers in Jamaica so when there is heavy rain the viz deteriorates temporarily at the dive sites near the rivers.

Walls and drop offs usually have good viz all the time. But the dive operations would know where the best dive sites are to go to based on the circumstances.

Old wrecks full of marine life. Photo: Deborah Chen
Old wrecks full of marine life. Photo: Deborah Chen


Dives tend to be approximately USD $120 for a 2 tank boat dive (some places include gear in this price) and most dive operations have packages with discounts for multiple dives.


There is a wide array of accommodation in Jamaica to suit all budgets.. From high end luxury hotels (some of which include diving) to bed and breakfast guest houses.


Diving in Jamaica is a good place to learn to dive, or if you are on holiday and want to do a few dives that would be fine. However, if you are an experienced diver who has travelled the world and if the main purpose of your trip is diving then I would consider other destinations. I would not classify Jamaica as a dive destination compared to the Cayman Islands for example.

Read More: Diving in Grand Cayman – Cayman Islands

There has been overfishing over the years and while there are now several marine parks in place, the fish stock has not yet risen back to where it used to be. Having said that I dive regularly and there is still lots to see.

What Jamaica has over other destinations is the wide range of activities otherwise. There are excellent hotels available and there are lots of places to visit. There is good food and an interesting culture. The island is beautiful with vast mountains ranges meeting the sea in some locations and arid areas with just as beautiful scenery. Jamaica is an experience as opposed to some destinations which are only for diving. It depends what you are looking for.

Shrimps found while diving off Kingston
Bring a torch! There are lots of critters hiding around the reefs and wrecks at the dive sites. Photo: Deborah Chen


All locations have snorkeling, other watersports, restaurants, tours and other activities. There is lots to do in Jamaica other than diving. Nightlife is good in most places. Smaller towns such a Port Antonio are more laid back.